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Ask any really first-class player with what comparative tightness he holds the club in his right and left hands, and I am confident that in nearly every case he will declare that he holds it nearly if not quite as tightly with the right hand as with the left. Personally I grip quite as firmly with the right hand as with the other one.

The carriage advances, the nippers holding the threaded needles, and pushes them through the cloth: the nippers on the other side are waiting to receive them and shut upon them, those which have just thrust them into the cloth opening automatically; the second carriage retreats and draws the silk through the cloth with the requisite tightness, and then comes forward, thrusting the other end of the needles through the cloth to be grasped by the nippers on the first carriage, and so on.

Half-stifled by the noxious vapour he had inhaled, and blinded by the tightness of the bandage, it was some time before Wyat fully recovered his powers of sight and utterance. "Why am I brought hither, false fiend?" he demanded at length. "To join my band," replied the demon harshly and imperiously. "Never!" rejoined Wyat. "I will have nought to do with you, except as regards our compact."

Places of worship like everything else, good or evil, grow in these latter days, and so has Cannon-street chapel. In 1852 its supporters set at naught the laws of Banting, and made the place bigger. It was approaching a state of solemn tightness, and for the consolation of the saints, the ease of the fidgety, and the general blissfulness of the neighbourhood it was expanded.

"I dun'no', only I I I'm scared, Charley scared, I guess." "Why, you just never was so safe, Marjie, as now you just never was!" She could not meet the eloquence of his eyes, but his smile was so near that the tightness at her throat seemed suddenly to thaw. "Charley-boy," she said. But at the sound of returning footsteps she sprang backward, clasping her hands behind her.

Her name was Wentworth. Oh!" It was an involuntary cry of physical pain. "Diana! Did I hurt your hand? my darling!" The sudden tightness of his grip had crushed her fingers. She smiled at him, as he kissed them, in hasty remorse. "And her Christian name?" he asked, in a low voice. "Juliet." There was a pause. They had turned back, and were walking toward the house.

It is true that those who are insensible to spiritual influences, and whose materialistic instinct leads them to deny everything which is not as clearly demonstrable by external evidence as a fact in chemistry, geography, or mathematics, will fail to find the hardness, definition, tightness, and, let me add, littleness of outline, in which their souls delight; they will find rather the gloom and gleam of Rembrandt, or the golden twilight of the Venetians, the losing and the finding, and the infinite liberty of shadow; and this they hate, inasmuch as it taxes their imagination, which is no less deficient than their power of sympathy; they would have all found, as in one of those laboured pictures wherein each form is as an inflated bladder and, has its own uncompromising outline remorselessly insisted upon.

There seems to be plenty of room for the tone to come forth; in other words, the singer's throat seems to be open. All these impressions are purely a matter of sympathetic sensations. In listening to a faulty singer the hearer feels a sensation of tightness and contraction of the throat. A well used voice awakens exactly the opposite sensation, that of looseness and freedom of the throat.

You will learn how our bore felt a tightness about here, sir, for which he couldn't account, accompanied with a constant sensation as if he were being stabbed or, rather, jobbed that expresses it more correctly jobbed with a blunt knife. Well, sir!

Kent grimaced and drew in a deep breath because of the tightness in his chest. Why was it that every one seemed to disbelieve him? Why was it that even this mysterious girl, whom he had never seen before in his life, politely called him a liar when he insisted that he had killed John Barkley? Was the fact of murder necessarily branded in one's face? If so, he had never observed it.