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Their way took them along Walnut Tree Walk; Totty saw that, in passing the house where Lydia and Thyrza lived, Luke cast a glance at the upper windows; probably he knew nothing of Thyrza's absence at Eastbourne. They turned into Lambeth Walk, then again into Paradise Street, Totty still a little distance in the rear. At their house, they paused.

'You didn't believe me when I said I should come, she whispered, smiling for the first time. 'Are you sure you ought to have come? Would Mrs. Ormonde mind? 'I am quite free, Lyddy. I can do as I like. I would come in daylight, only perhaps it would be disagreeable for you, if people saw me. I know they have given me a bad name. 'No one that we need to care about, Thyrza.

'Thyrza, I asked no promise from him that he wouldn't go to you. I don't think you would really try to see him, knowing that he has your address. 'You asked no promise, Mrs. Ormonde, but you persuaded him! You spoke as you did two years ago. You told him I could never make a fit wife for him, that he couldn't be happy with me, nor I with him. 'No; I did not speak as I did two years ago.

I said to Totty: 'Have you any reason to think that Thyrza cares for somebody else more than for Grail? She got angry at once, and said she knew all about it, that she'd no patience with Thyrza, and that she wasn't going to have anything more to do with the affair. I've told you plainly, Lydia, told you everything. I hope I've done it for the best. She stood as if she heard nothing.

'You have been ill, dear, and I have come to sit with you, the other went on, in a soothing voice. 'Shall I stay? There was no answer for a little, then Thyrza, with sudden revival of memory like a light kindled in her eyes, said painfully: 'Lyddy? does Lyddy know? 'Not yet. Do you wish her to? 'No! Don't tell Lyddy! I shall be better 'No one shall know, Thyrza. Don't speak now.

When Thyrza left the two at tea and went downstairs, she knocked at the door of the front parlour on the ground floor. The room which she entered was but dimly lighted; thick curtains encroached upon each side of the narrow window, which was also shadowed above by a valance with long tassels, whilst in front of it stood a table with a great pot of flowering musk.

They spent long hours together by the ebb and flow of the tide. Lydia almost forgot her troubles now and then. As for Thyrza, she seemed to drink ecstasy from the live air. 'It's a good friend to me, she said several times, looking out upon the grey old deep. 'It's made me well again, Lyddy. I shall always love the sound of it, and the salt taste on my lips!

'But you know a great deal, Mr. Grail, Thyrza said with surprise, looking again at the bookshelves. 'You mustn't think that. I had very little teaching when I was a lad, and ever since I've had very little either of time or means to teach myself. If I only knew those few books well, it would be something, but there are some of them I've never got to yet. 'Those few books! Thyrza exclaimed.

And forthwith she began to hum a tune, which however, she checked the next moment, remembering Nelly. 'But you speak in a queer way, Totty. 'So do you, Thyrza. What are you bothering about? Again she searched Thyrza's face, this time with something very curious in her gaze, a kind of suspicion one would have said. 'I I like to know about you, Thyrza said, with embarrassment.

He did not usually leave the works at mid-day, but to-day an exceptional occasion took him to Paradise Street in the dinner-hour. Thyrza came forth from the library just as he neared the corner; she did not see him, but Bower at once observed her. There was nothing singular in her having been there; possibly the furnishing of the house had begun.