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In the first place, the book is not nearly so depressing as The Nether World, and is much farther removed from the strain of French and Russian pessimism which had begun to engage the author's study when he was writing Thyrza.

Walter Egremont, if ever you ask Thyrza to marry you, you will be acting with cruel selfishness yes, selfishness, for all that you would pay bitterly for it in the end. You will be acting in a way utterly unworthy of a man who has studied and reflected. Thyrza heard Egremont laugh. 'To hear all this from you, he said, 'surprises me very much. 'You credit me with so little power of mind?

Her spirits had, by degrees, reached their present point of perpetual effervescence. But Totty could be grave, and, if occasion were, sad. She had been both grave and sad many a time since Thyrza had gone away. She reproached herself in secret for her 'nastiness' to the little one at their last meeting, nastiness for which, as it proved, there was no justification whatever.

About four o'clock she said: 'May I ask Lydia and Thyrza to come and have tea with us, Gilbert? He looked up absently. 'But they were here last Sunday. 'Yes, my dear, but I think they like to come, and I'm sure I like to have them. 'Let us leave it till next Sunday, mother. You don't mind? I feel I must be alone to-night.

Thyrza had never been exactly a favourite, though some older than herself always used to pet her, generally causing her annoyance. About a quarter of an hour had passed, and work was getting into trim, when a girl, a late arrival, in coming to her place, handed Lydia a letter. 'Someone downstairs asked me to give it you, she whispered. 'You needn't blush, you know.

In the dark passage she was startled by coming in contact with someone. 'Oh, who is that? A muttered reply informed her that it was the old woman. They went forward into the nearest room. There was a disagreeable smile on Mrs. Butterfield's thin lips. 'If you please, have you got a hammer? Thyrza asked. 'Mr. Egremont wants one.

We'll forget all about that. 'Where was that, Thyrza? 'A place where I got work. Do you know where the Caledonian Road is? Lydia tightened her embrace, as if shame and hardship still threatened her dear one and she would guard her from them. 'But how did you get better? What happened then? 'When I was very bad, Mrs.

'I have not seen any of your friends. I think very likely you are the only one that could tell me the truth. 'Lyddy knows, was spoken presently, after the shedding of a few quiet tears. 'I left a letter for her. Besides, she knew before knew that The voice faltered and ceased. 'Can you tell me what it was, Thyrza? 'I didn't do anything wrong, Mrs. Ormonde.

One would have thought Gilbert had no grief of his own, so anxiously did he try to comfort her. 'Lyddy, he said, when she could listen to him, 'you are my sister, and will always be. If I could think unkindly of Thyrza now, I should show that I was never worthy of her. Don't hurt me by saying such things. We will find her; have no fear, we will find her. 'And you'll do as she wished?

'I haven't spoken to him since that night when I said good-bye to him by the river. Can't you believe me? 'I don't think you'd tell me an untruth. 'If I'd spoken to him, Lyddy, I'd tell you at once; I would! I'd tell you everything! 'I must say what I mean, Thyrza; it's no good doing anything else. Tell me this: does Mrs. Ormonde want you to marry him? Thyrza laughed strangely.