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Geer, asleep or awake, always made a point of hearing; so he roused himself, and turned his round, honest face and placid blue eyes on the partner of his bosom, who went on, "Mr. Geer, our Ivy will be seventeen, come fall." "Possible?" replied Mr. Geer. "Who'd 'a' thunk it?" Mr. Geer, as you may infer, was eminently a free-thinker, or rather, a free-actor, in respect of irregular verbs.

An' when he was lost ot sea off the Cape, dudna she break all laws o' nature tull hov a fourth? She was forty-seven, I'm tellun' ye, an' she hod a child ot forty-seven. Thunk on ut! Ot forty-seven! Ut was fair scand'lous."

Well, everything was so awful still that we got to talking in a very low voice, and kept on getting creepier and lonesomer and less and less talky, till at last the talk ran dry altogether, and we just set there and "thunk," as Jim calls it, and never said a word the longest time.

"Well, I tell you, Brer John Henry, de col' wuz so col', an' de kiver wuz so light, dat I thunk I'd make a raid on Mars John's shingle pile, an' out I goes an totes in a whole armful. Den I gits under de kiver an' tells my ole 'oman fer ter lay 'em onto me like she was roofin' a house.

Toledo, yankin' the yearlin' off his hoofs and settin' him down again. For a fact, she thunk I was alludin' to her. "'Of course not, madam, says I, polite, and liftin' me lid. 'And I judge somebody's in luck at that. "I guess it was her not used to bein' spoke and acted polite to that got her goat. Mebby she smelt somethin' sarcastic. I dunno. Anyhow, she was a longhorn with a bad eye.

"I reckon I'd better take it along," and once more she addressed herself to the effort to insert the dip into the lantern. Emory hardly heard. His pulse was quick. His eye glittered. He breathed hard as, with both hands in his pockets, he came close to her. "Mill'cent," he said, "I told ye the t'other day ez ye thunk a heap too much o' that thar stran-ger-"

"'No, ut dud not, says he, 'but ut was a clear night wuth the moon a-showun'. "'Ye seem tull know your buzz'ness, says I. 'But let me tell ye thot I know my buzz'ness uz well, an' thot I'm no a-lookun' for lighters wuthout lights. Uf ye thunk ye hov a case, go ahead. The steward will show ye out. Guid day. "An' thot was the end o' ut. But ut wull show ye what a puir fellow thot mate was.

"You don't love him you never did you never could. Be a woman, dearest, and end this wretched mess." "I never would have thought I loved him if I hadn't believed I'd lost you," Peggy ruminated to herself. "But I must think " As if she hadn't thunk for an hour! "How long must you think?" the doctor fired at her.

"I say, I'd forgotten." "It's going to be nine; think of that!" said Phil. "Woof! My kettle's boiling over!" She made a hasty exit, while Ken collared his brother and looked him over. "Who'd ha' thunk it!" he said. "Well, well, what's to be done about this?" "Lots," said Felicia, suddenly appearing with the supper. "Lots!"

"The 'Liza Jane got a new main truck A darn fine thing but wouldn't stay stuck. Came a breeze one day from the no'-no'-west And the gosh-darned thing came down with the rest. Oh, hi-diddle-di a breeze from the west Who'd 'a' thunk the truck wouldn't stuck with the rest?