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I appended the date; signed my name; and, tearing out the leaf, handed it to my adversary. He looked at it for a moment, as if puzzled to make out what was meant. He soon saw the intention, however, as I could tell by his grim smile. "You're right thur!" said he, in a drawling tone, and after a pause. "I hedn't thunk o' that. I guess this dockyment 'll be nothin' the wuss o' my name too?

"I didn't know what we might come across up here," Harry replied. "Shall we light a fuse and give one of these persuaders a toss over into that mess?" "It would amount to wholesale murder," Frank replied. Harry's face hardened as he held up a hand for silence. The howling on the banks of the little stream was now almost deafening, and every second there came the thunk of arrows against the boat.

There was only the splitting, the thunk of the maul into the chopping block, the klokking sound of pieces thrown on the pile . . . "Pizza's ready. My goodness, Sweetums, what a pile!" Oliver gathered up an armful. "Should hold us for awhile," he said. Woof bounded into the house, wagging her tail. "You know," Oliver said, "we really ought to get a decent wood stove. More efficient.

"But thot's their way 'we regret tull note, 'we beg tull advise, 'we recommend, 'we canna understand' an' the like o' thot. Domned cargo tank! An' they would thunk I could drive her like a Lucania, an' wi'out burnun' coals. There was thot propeller. I was after them a guid while for ut. The old one was iron, thuck on the edges, an' we couldna make our speed.

"I c'n easy enough see how you've thunk ev'ry thing out, an' on'y need a little time to put the scheme through with a rush.

As he did so, Kieran saw a pale flash shoot out from the vehicle and knock over a hunter still hanging on the flanks of the fleeing people. He hugged the sand. Something went whining and whistling over him, there was a thunk and a screech. It was repeated, and then the iron voice spoke again. "You may get up now. Please remain where you are." The vehicle was much closer.

"'Come to me," prompted the teacher, perceiving for the first time the child's panic and distress; but Peace did not understand that this was her cue, and with a despairing glance at the immovable face behind the desk, she cried hastily, "Oh, not this time! I've thunk of it now. Here goes!