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I seed his snout a passin' through the hole, but I seed no more; for I feeled the critter's claws touchin' me, an' I let go. "Now, thunk I, wur my time for a run. The blanket mout blin' him a leetle, an' I mout git some start. "With this thort, I glid past the animal's rump, an' struck out over the parairy.

Well, I thunk some more thinks just as punky as that, and then we settles it that I'm to hike over and take a squint, anyway. I gets him to give me a line on what kind of a looker the warden was, and he throws me a couple of tens for campaign expenses. I was just stowin' away the green stuff as I goes through the outside office, and Piddie's eyebrows go up.

"Whenst I war a gal I war acquainted with a woman what pizened her husband, an' they kep' her in jail a consider'ble time a senseless thing ter do ter jail her, ter my mind, fur he war a shif'less no-'count fool, an' nobody but her would hev put up with him ez long ez she did. The jedge an' jury thunk the same, fur they 'lowed ez she war crazy an' so she war, ter hev ever married him!

"'Tis sad, lass," he said, his face aquiver with sympathy, "t' think that we've but one doctor t' cure the sick, an' him on the mail-boat. 'Tis wonderful sad t' think o' that! 'Tis a hard case," he went on, "but if a man only thunk hard enough he'd find a way t' mend it. Sure, what ought t' be mended can be mended. 'Tis the way o' the world.

"That's a fac'. Ye air too triflin' ter be let ter live, Watt," cried one of their comrades. "I hearn them jugs clash tergether in the coffin-box when 'Gene checked the team up suddint, I tell you. An' them men sure 'peared ter me powerful suspectin'." "I hearn the clash of them jimmyjohns," chimed in the driver. "I really thunk my hour war come.

When nothing occurred, Peterson nodded to an assistant at an adjoining console. The aide worked a series of levers and a remotely-controlled mechanical arm came into view on the screen. The claw of the arm descended over the beaker and clasping it gently, bounced it lightly on the cement bunker floor. The only sound was the muffled thunk of the glass container against the concrete.

"Lis'n onct mo'," he said. "Dat was Perkins I laid out." All was still. "Chunk," said Scoville, "go back on your tracks a little and see if there are any signs of alarm." Obedience was very prompt, for Chunk muttered as he ran, "My heart des bustin' 'bout Zany. Got ter lebe her now, sho! Ter thunk ob her showin' so much gumption!" Scoville again took Miss Lou's hands.

Enraghty he said it was a miracle if he always knowed the best places to sleep, and the kindest women to ast for victuals. Do you believe it was, mother?" Nancy said, after an effort for her voice, "He might have been there before." "Well, that's so; but none of 'em thunk o' that. And what Mr. Enraghty said stopped the jawin' at the time.

Honest, when that man came off I thought he was going to commit murder; what he said on the subject is not for me to repeat. Right in the middle of the harangue this dame remarks, 'I think it was Sabrina. "The next think she thunk was to wonder who let go of the asbestos curtain, for I happened to overhear that 'aside' and bounced a stage-brace on her think tank.

For, look you! he thunk she wouldn't have un, an' he thunk she would, an' he wisht she would, an' he wisht she wouldn't; an' by an' by he 'lowed he'd stand by, whatever come of it, 'for, says he, 'the crew's g-g-got t' have better c-c-cookin' if I c-c-can g-g-get it. Lord!