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"But, good Lord, man, a cow is as feelin' as a hoss any day," protested Blinky. "You'll be swearing you love cows next," laughed Pan. "Nope. We'll do our work well. Then the chances are we won't spike any of those thoroughbreds we want to break for Arizona." "Say, I'll bet two bits you won't let us sell a single gosh-darned broomie," added Blinky.

And she I give you my word I didn't do one gosh-darned thing, but that girl just naturally took on and raved about wanting me to marry her and blew me up when I said I hadn't asked her and then then when I tried to get shelter in a little old shack we'd stumbled on she just up and bolted. She " His words died away. His eyes dropped before the blaze that met them.

"The 'Liza Jane got a new main truck A darn fine thing but wouldn't stay stuck. Came a breeze one day from the no'-no'-west And the gosh-darned thing came down with the rest. Oh, hi-diddle-di a breeze from the west Who'd 'a' thunk the truck wouldn't stuck with the rest?

They looked as astonished as himself, and almost equally hot and ashamed. Presently he ejaculated, "Well, I swan!" Then one of the men who had taken out the "bateau" and picked him up, found voice. "I'll be gosh-darned ef that ain't the damnedest," said he, slowly. "Why, so, I'd thought as how he was a-goin' right down on his prayer-handles to ye. That there kid is the apple of his eye."