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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Dere comes a flash ob light, Ober de cole dark wabes; Dere come de angels' flight See shinin' bans dat sabe, From de watah's foam, de dark flood tide, Fer de Lawd hab seen from de oder side. "Heah music swellin gran'; Yes, songs of welcome ring, White wings de riber span De little chile to bring. Den let ole Jordan roar, de dark flood tide; We'se borne across to de oder side."

They howl about it as if it was the most important thing in creation; but if you call around next week, you find that swellin' gone down an' they're howlin' just as fierce over a new swellin' where a different idea has stung 'em; ain't it so?"

Always some complaint to make about 'em." "And I had a chance to get out a week ago." "Yes, and you wouldn't take it, of course you knew too much swellin' around here about bein' a Napoleon of finance and a Shepler and a Wizard of Wall Street, and all that kind of guff and you wouldn't take your chance, and old Mr. Chance went right off and left you, that's what.

"'All in the merry month of May When green buds they were swellin', Young Jemmy Grove on his death-bed lay, For love of Barbara Allen. "Are you so miserable, Peter?" "Why do you ask?" "Because you sigh, and sigh, like poor Jemmy Grove in the song." "He was a fool!" said I. "For sighing, Peter?" "For dying." "I suppose no philosopher could ever be so foolish, Peter?"

Then in a little while the big, white sails o' th' ship went swellin' out an' soon it was gone. An' that was th' last we saw o' Madam. A two-three year arter you an' Miss Maddyline was fetched away, to France, as I've been towd. I doubt you didn't so much as think there was such a place as Pulwick, though many a one there minds how they dandled and played wi' you when you was a wee bairn, miss."

Why, say, do youse think any o' them is in it with a hound chorus, th' deep bass o' th' old hounds 'n' th' shrill tenor o' th' young ones risin' 'n' swellin' 'n' ringin' through th' bush till every idle echo loafin' in th' coves o' th' ridges wakes up 'n' joins in her best, 'n' you'd think all th' hounds in this old Province was runnin' 'n' chorusin' 'tween the Bubs 'n' Mud Bay; 'n' then th' chorus dyin' down softer 'n' softer till she's low 'n' sweet 'n' sorta holy-soundin', like your own woman's voice chantin' t' your youngest say, do youse think there's any music in th' world 's good 's th' hounds make runnin'?

'Twa'n't his, nor any other darned 'Come-Outer's. It don't pay me for my trouble, nor it don't make me square with the gang. I gen'rally git even sometime or 'nother, and I'll git square now. When that girl come here, swellin' 'round and puttin' on airs, I see my chance, and told her to pay up or her granddad would be shoved into Ostable jail. That give her the jumps, I tell you!"

"Well, well!" says I. "Then them long legs of yours has turned out a good asset after all. What you pullin' down, Skeet, on an average?" "Twenty regular, and a hundred or so on the side," says he, swellin' his chest out. "And, say, I guess I got it some on the rest of the family.

I'm tired of this life, and come or go what may, I'll look to my sowl an' lead it no longer. "Do you mane to break our hearts?" he replied, laughing; "for sure we couldn't do less afther her, Sally; eh, ha! ha! ha! Before you lave us, anyhow," he added, "go and get me some Gaiharrawan roots to bring down this swellin'; I can't go to the Grange wid sich a face as this on me."

They begun that day a power of helpful inspiring influences that would bless the world, go through life with 'em and wait on 'em clear through the swellin' flood and lead 'em up onto the other shore from their City of Justice and love here, to that sweet continuing City of Rest and Reward.

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