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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Then all of a suddint two sarpents in the basket lifts up their heads, with a great ear hanging down on each side, and began to wave themselves about." "Well, Tim, what happened then?" Charlie asked, struggling with his laughter. "Shure it's little I know what happened after, for I just took to my heels, and I never drew breath till I was inside the gates."

Working frantically, Jim was able to drag their submerged ally from the retreat that had almost buried him. The cold air brought him to, and he rose staggeringly to his feet. "Yer started your thrain too suddint, Mr. Ketchel, and pulled two ton of coal over my poor head," cried the fireman in half humorous indignation. "Why didn't you whistle and give me fair warning as to your intentions.

There must have been some poison in the food, to take us all suddint like this." "Oh, no, Brother Bart!" gasped Freddy, faintly. "I've been this way before. We're all just just seasick, Brother Bart dead seasick." Even Dan had a few qualms, just enough to send him, with the sturdy sense of his rough kind, out into the widest sweep of briny air within his reach.

Parker's, the Methodist minister, and let us join hands at the altar there. The gardener and his wife is always ready to stand up as witnesses. And when your son and your daughter comes home to supper, they can find their mother here afore 'em married and settled." "But, Mr. Scantle," exclaimed Mrs. McJimsey, "it's so suddint. What will the neighbors say?" "As for bein' suddint, Mrs.

"He was achin' for it turrible achin' for it an' he would not be denied!" said Sergeant William Connor, of the Berkshire Regiment, in the sergeants' mess at Suakim, two nights before the attack on McNeill's zeriba at Tofrik. "Serve 'im right. Janders was too bloomin' suddint," skirled Henry Withers of the Sick Horse Depot from the bottom of the table.

I'd made up my mind the silly fool of a Spruce had brought me the wrong message; a good meanin' man, but weak in the upper storey, 'cept where trees is concerned and clearing away brushwood, when I'd be bold to say he's as handy as they make 'em but do, for mercy's sake, Passon, step inside and see how we've got on, for it's not so bad as it might have been, an' I've seen worse done at a few days' notice than even myself with hired hands on a suddint could ever do.

Conroy got wind of it, though, and he left the agency kind-a suddint. No use yuh lookin' for him." "Then we're ready to hit the grit, I guess." Rowdy glanced again at Pink who nodded. "Well, I ain't stoppin' yuh," Eagle Creek drawled laconically. "S'-long, and good luck t' yuh."

"Given it him, I should think so, when she never would have aught to say to him for all his wheedling ways, and his brother Jacques was her favourite; and poor old lady if she'd a known that Pierre was goin' to be alone with her, when she went off suddint in a fit, I guess she'd a locked up her purse first, I do."

"No, sir, there ain't no ladies there, 'cept Miss Tabitha, onny some London gents, and Sir Morton, 'e flew into an orful passion like 'e do, sir, an' told us to leave off singin' and git out, 'Git off my ground, he 'ollers 'Git off! then jest as we was a gittin' off, he cools down suddint like, an' 'e sez, sez 'e: 'Take a note to the dam passon for me, an' bring a harnser, an' I'll give yer somethink when yer gits back. An' all the gents was a-sittin' at breakfast, with the winders wide open an' the smell of 'am an' eggs comin' through strong, an' they larfed fit to split theirselves, an' one on 'em tried to kiss Kitty Spruce, an' she spanked his face for 'im!"

"Wall, Square, I don't cotton to suddint changes: like to move when I git a good ready. Ye put a man off his base, Darn ." I checked his incipient profanity. "My friend, whether you like it or not is in this case immaterial. I'll pay you for the time I meant to stay, and all you like for the fifteen miles. But be quick, now."

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