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That Cap'n Gray, maybe, or somebody. First you know, we'll hear him stumpin' down the Lane, singin' 'A life on the ocean wa-a-ave, fit to rouse the entire neighborhood. You eat your supper an' go to bed, where children ought to be long 'fore this time." Posy Jane's tone was so confident and cheerful that Glory forgot her anxiety and remembered only that chop which was awaiting her.

At length they saw, as if issuing from the huge heavy orb, a long dark line, like a sea-serpent of a hundred joints, coming down the street towards them, and soon discovered that it was a slow procession of animals. First came Mistress Stephen, Stumpin Steenie the policeman's cow, with her tail at full stretch behind her.

By this time Stumpin' Steenie, having undone his cow's tail, was leading her home amid shouts of laughter. "Pit her i' the lock-up, Steenie. She's been takin' up wi' ill loons," screeched an urchin. "Haud yer ill tongue, or I s' tak' you up, ye rascal," bawled Steenie. "Ye'll hae to saiddle Mistress Stephen afore ye can catch me, Stumpin' Steenie!"

Well, father never entered the horse at all, but stood by and see'd the races, and the winnin horse was followed about by the matter of two or three thousand people, a praisin of him and admirin him. They seemed as if they never had see'd a horse afore. The owner of him was all up on eend a boastin of him, and a stumpin the course to produce a horse to run agin him for four hundred dollars.

"I wasn't meanin' granny nor yet stumpin' Simpson." "I don't know what you're driving at," said Clare. Tommy burst into tears. "Ain't you the only one I got, up or down?" he cried. Tommy had a little bit of heart not much, but enough to have a chance of growing. If ever creature had less than that, he was not human. I do not think he could even be an ape.

"Dad has lost so many other things beside his temper, stumpin' around with that cane, that he thinks he has lost the key to the chest. He goes around grumblin' an' lookin' for it; but he don't ask if any one has found it. Why do you suppose that is?" "It ain't any of my supposin'," sez I. "What are you goin' to do about it?"

With his deformity, his earth-stains, his blue eyes, his brown wrinkled skin, and his shock of red hair, he had the look of some strange gnome crouching there. "I don't know what you're at, I'll swear," he said after a pause. "I ain't in any pertickler trouble just now if yer wouldn't send a fellow stumpin' the country for nothink.

What does get into ladies sometimes, I don't know; but, sometimes, when a body has de heaviest kind o' 'sponsibility on 'em, as ye may say, and is all kinder 'seris' and taken up, dey takes dat ar time to be hangin' round and kinder interferin'! Now, Missis, she wanted me to do dis way, and she wanted me to do dat way; and, finally, I got kinder sarcy, and, says I, 'Now, Missis, do jist look at dem beautiful white hands o' yourn with long fingers, and all a sparkling with rings, like my white lilies when de dew 's on 'em; and look at my great black stumpin hands.

Margaret appeared unconvinced. "Eh, he'd be more bother than he was worth," she remarked trenchantly. "Think 'o th' litter alone he'd mak' coomin' in an' out o' th' house. It's bad enough to be cleanin' up arter th' cats an' the dog poor dumb things, they knows no better! But a mon stumpin' in an' out wi's dirty boots, an' clooes as 'ud allus want mendin', an' stockin's weerin' at th' 'eel!

You watch his face, and you see he's got his teeth into it. You watch one of our Tommies on 'is crutches, with the sweat pourin' off his forehead an' 'is eyes all strainy, stumpin' along that gives you an idea! I pity these Peace fellows, reely I pity them; they don't know what they're up against. I expect there's times when you wish you was a man, don't you, miss?