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Crow, isn't it possible that these men saw her after she left the basket at " began the Presbyterian minister. "That ain't the way I deduce it," observed the town detective tartly. "In the first place, she wouldn't 'a' been standin' 'round like that if the job was over, would she? Wouldn't she 'a' been streakin' out fer home? 'Course she would."

Mackenzie pressed him to stay for breakfast, but he said he wanted to make a start before the sun and reach Sullivan's ranch-house. "Does Sullivan know how things stand with Reid?" Mackenzie inquired. "I reckon he must. If he don't he soon will. Kind of watch that feller, will you, and slip me word if he shows any signs of streakin' out of the country."

He was riding almost due east, and the cry went up: "He's streakin' it for the Morgan Hills. Git after him, boys!" So into the saddle they went with a rush, fifteen tried men on fifteen chosen horses, and went down the street with a roar of hoof-beats. That was the body and muscle of the sheriff's work going out to avenge him, but the mind of the law remained behind. It was old Billy, the clerk.

At this Dan gets his number-two gun to b'ar, an' with one in each hand, confronts the tan-coloured multitoode. "'That's shore a nice shot, Nell! says Dan over his shoulder, ropin' for the congratoolations he thinks is comin. "But Nell don't hear him; she's one hundred yards away an' streakin' it for the Red Light like a shootin' star.

"It's 'Lena," answered Uncle Timothy, "'Lena Rivers that dandified chap calls her, and it's plaguy curis to me what she's a runnin' away for, and he a streakin' it through the country arter her; there's mischief summers, so I tell 'em, but that's no consarn of mine so long as he pays down regular." Mr.

"House ain't make no answer, en Brer Wolf in dar behime de door sorter move roun' like he gittin' restless in de min'. "Brer Rabbit out dar on de 'simmon stump holler mo' louder dan befo', 'Heyo, house! Heyo! "House stan' still, en Brer Wolf in dar behime de door 'gun ter feel col' chills streakin' up and down his back. In all his born days he ain't never hear no gwines on like dat.

You oughtn't to have gone streakin' out in this rain, an' it's natural that it should have upset you." "It wasn't the rain," replied Judy, and the instant afterwards, she burst into tears and ran out of the room before they could stop her. "I declar', I never saw anybody carry on so in my life," observed Sarah. Abel glanced at her with a perplexed and anxious frown on his brow.

Might ha know'd he was on the King's business, and the Gentleman with two minutes' start streakin away for Birling Gap like a bullet from the bow." "Aw, he'll be out again than?" drawled the waterman, sleepy and Sussex. "Out again!" shouted Big Jerry, and clapping the handkerchief to his ear, thrust it beneath the other's eye of mildew. "What's that? blood, ain't it? whose? mine. How?

"If you could get hold o' some young feller that wa'n't sot up with an idee that he was a grown man and too big to be told, I'd just clap to and fix that little room up stairs for him and give him his victuals here, and we'd have some good of him; instead o' having him streakin' off just at the minute when he'd ought to be along." "Who is there we could get, Barby?"

So, long about midnight, I 'd got ter talk with all these fellers, an' when LaGrasse went down below ter take a snooze in the cabin, we hoisted them Dutchmen on deck, flung a couple o' hell-hounds overboard, an' just naturally took control. The mate wus a dead nigger afore he ever knew whut wus up. When daylight come we wus streakin' it eastward by compass, an' every damn sail set.