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Penrose declared he had no idea what old Enoch's criticisms on the members of the cloth were, but expressed a strong desire to be made familiar with them. 'Weel, continued Mrs. Ashworth, 'he sez as he never noather flatters parsons nor women, for noather on 'em con ston' it. Naa, then, what dun yo' mak' o' that? 'He's very wise. 'What saysto? 'I only mean as far as the parsons are concerned.

"Every man ston' with his hands to his sides, and ask of they sojjers for a pinch of bacca." This made them laugh, till Captain Nettlebones strode up. "In the name of his Majesty, surrender, all you fellows. You are fairly caught in the very act of landing a large run of goods contraband. It is high time to make an example of you. Where is your skipper, lads? Robin Lyth, come forth."

Besides, I have been very sick, and really ought not to be out to-day. Indeed I feel very weak. Isn't there some place where I could sit down?" "Now God forgie me for an uncoo Highlander," cried Malcom, springing forward, "to think that I suld let ye ston there, like a tall, white, swayin' calla lily, in the rough wind. Take me arm till I support ye to the best room o' me house."

* Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society. Bewcastle and its Cross, by W. Nanson, p. 215. On the slip of paper was written this memorandum: "I received this morning a ston from my lord of Arundel, sent him from my lord William.

In their early days, the present generation of dalesmen fed almost exclusively upon oatmeal; either as 'hasty-pudding, that is, Scotch oatmeal which had been ground over again, so as to be nearly as fine as flour;... or 'lumpy, that is, boiled quickly and not thoroughly stirred; or else in one of the three kinds of cake which they call 'fermented, viz., 'riddle cake, 'held-on cake, or 'turn-down cake, which is made from oatcake batter poured on the 'bak' ston'' from the ladle, and then spread with the back of the ladle.

"An' ye think I'm gang to broil an ould hen for a spring chicken in peace and quietness, ye're a' wrong. An' then to send that dour nagur a speerin' roun' among my fowl that I've raised from babies I'll na ston it. I'll gang, I'll gang, but ye'll greet after the ould 'ooman for a' o' that."

And I hearkened, but I heard nothing, as I told him so. 'But, says he, 'hearken, lass. And in a little while there come a blast o' noise like from somewheres. 'What's that, Tomkins? I said. 'That's the ston', says he, 'a strikin' on the water down that there well. And I turned sick at the thought of it.

Thi mother's heart's noan dry, lass, tho' thi thirst's gone; and I'll luv' thee though thaa splashes mi luv' back in mi face, and spills it on th' graand. And a third time the woman fell on the girl's neck, and kissed her flesh into flame with the passion of her caress. 'Durnd, mother! durnd! said Amanda. 'Blame me, if yo' like; curse me, if yo' like. But luv' I connot ston'; it drives me mad.

Penrose, but when I set mi feet on th' floor, I couldn't ston'. "I've lost my legs, missis," I cried. "Nay, lad, thank God, thaa's getten thi legs yet; it's thi brass thaa's lost!" I shall never forgeet those days. Then came th' sale, and th' flittin', an' all th' black looks. Yo' know yor friends when th' brass goes, Mr. Penrose. Poverty's a rare hond for pikin' aat hypocrites.

Then he stayed his steps, and looked at her, as a traveller would pause and look in wonderment at the sudden portent in the heavens of a coming storm, and putting his hand beneath the little drooping chin, he raised the pretty face to find it wet with tears. 'Nay! nay! lass, thaa knows I conrot ston salt watter, when it's i' a woman's een. But Miriam's tears fell all the faster