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Updated: August 14, 2024

"No one has come yet?" "No, sir, not as I knows of," stammered the waiter. "I have just come on." "Where is Jacques, the man who usually waits on me?" demanded Wickersham, half angrily. "Jacques est souffrant. Il est très malade." Wickersham grunted. "Well, take this," he said, "and remember that if you serve me properly there will be a good deal more to follow." The waiter thanked him profusely.

Only the sound of Berthe's brisk footstep from the kitchen enabled me, forced me, to drop it, and to utter: "What shall we have to eat, Soames?" "Il est souffrant, ce pauvre Monsieur Soames?" asked Berthe. "He's only tired." I asked her to get some wine Burgundy and whatever food might be ready. Soames sat crouched forward against the table exactly as when last I had seen him.

Je vous remercie de tout mon coeur des voeux que vous m'adressez a l'occasion de la naissance de mon fils, et je suis heureux de pouvoir vous donner les meilleures nouvelles de la mere et de l'enfant. Je suis bien peine d'apprendre que vous avez ete si longtemps souffrant cet hiver. La rigueur de la saison peut bien en avoir ete la cause, et j'espere que l'ete achevera de vous remettre.

The gamin of Paris, who is the father of argot, long ago gave to the quarter of the city through which the Rue Mouffetard runs a name which clings to it tenaciously. He called it the "quartier souffrant" the suffering quarter. A designation like this, given by a magazinist, would be fitting enough, certainly, but received into the current slang of Paris, it becomes a really striking phrase.

Only the sound of Berthe's brisk footstep from the kitchen enabled me, forced me, to drop it, and to utter: 'What shall we have to eat, Soames? 'Il est souffrant, ce pauvre Monsieur Soames? asked Berthe. 'He's only tired. I asked her to get some wine Burgundy and whatever food might be ready. Soames sat crouched forward against the table, exactly as when last I had seen him.

"No I wouldn't do that at any rate." "C'est vrai. I ask you 'ave an air un peu souffrant. Well, never mind. It's droll though I think about you just when you ring up I 'ave a damn pain not ze tummy-ache this time and I say: 'Le pauvre jeune homme, 'ere is a chance for 'im to pay me out for kissing 'im when 'e don't want to be kissed. You remember I say I send for you one day.

Je ne pourrais dans ce moment-ci, avec ma main tremblante, en remercier moi-meme Mr. Burton comme je le voudrais faire. Je me promets d'y revenir plus tard. En attendant, je vous prie de le remercier pour moi, en lui disant tout ce que je pense de son parfait resume. Vous me pardonnerez d'etre si bref; je suis encore assez souffrant et fatigue.

It is nothing to read of a suffering quarter, but it is almost startling to hear an omnibus conductor call out, "Place Maubert! Rue St. Victor! Panthéon! Quartier Souffrant! Anybody for the Suffering Quarter?" and to see a rheumatic old woman, tottering with years and clad in dirty rags, get down and go clattering off into the quarter to which she so palpably belongs.

Nous avons eu transformation de societe, inventaire, assemblee d'actionnaires, tout cela m'a donne un effrayant surcroit de besogne et de fatigue, et je n'avais pas le courage de reprendre la plume lorsque je rentrais au logis, harasse et souffrant. Aujourd'hui nos affaires commencent a reprendre leur cours normal."

Now, in swift collapse, he was as flaccid as a sick hound and as disgusting as an aged drunkard. "He is some little souffrant," said Chirac, weakly. Sophia perceived in Chirac's tone the assumption that of course her present duty was to devote herself to the task of restoring her shamed husband to his manly pride. "And what about me?" she thought bitterly.

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