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Updated: August 16, 2024

"'O, yer riverince, he's come back! was all that the boy could find breath to say for a moment; and Peter, who was rather irascible, took up the discourse at once. "'It's yourself that's come back in a fine plight, you graceless, rioting, fighting, thaving young scullion. Whose cottage have ye been skylarkin' round now? And where's the pig ye was sint for, at all, at all?

Hap Smith got the door shut and for a moment stood with his back against it, his two mail bags, a lean and a fat, tied together and flung over his shoulder, while he smote his hands together and laughed. "A night for the devil to go skylarkin' in!" he cried jovially. "A night for murder an' arson an' robbin' graveyards! Listen to her, boys! Hear her roar!

Whin he whishtled they began to rage roun' the room an' carry on tremenjus. But I niver want to hear men laugh as they did skylarkin' too! 'Twas like mad jackals. "Shtop that blasted noise!" sez O'Hara in the dark, an' pop goes the room-lamp. I cud hear O'Hara runnin' up an' the rattlin' av my rifle in the rack an' the men breathin' heavy as they stud roun' my cot.

It was afterwards found out that he'd never done the deed; but he was the most incorrigible thief and poacher in the whole place, so it warn't such a mistake after all." "Dick Price," said Corrie, gravely, at the same time laying his hand impressively on his companion's arm, "I'm a tremendous joker awful fond o' fun and skylarkin'."

"Course 'e won't!" replied a companion, expelling a cloud of tobacco smoke between his lips. "'S only a bit o' skylarkin'.... Gawd!" he added in awed tones. "That one 'ud kill a donkey if 'e started 'ittin'." The two boxers had slipped into their habitual poses and were quietly moving round each other.

"And if you start any trouble here I'll call in the officer on the beat yes, I will! I don't know but I ought to deduct the cost of Dan, Junior's, spoiled suit, too. He says you an' he was skylarkin' on Sunday and that's how he fell into the water." Hiram had no answer to make to this. What was the use? He took the money, slipped it into his pocket, and went out.

Then catching sight of the boy turning a handspring behind the horse, she called out again: "Now, look here, Cully, none of your skylarkin'. There's the dinner whistle. Unhitch the Big Gray; he's as dry as a bone." The boy loosened the traces and led the horse to water, and Babcock, after a word with the Captain, and an encouraging smile to Tom, turned away.

He was looking for some sign to give him a lead, but there was only easy good-nature in the deep gray eyes beneath their shaggy brows. "Guess they're out chasin' that fool-head Curly Saunders," he said unguardedly. However, he saw his mistake in an instant and tried to rectify it. "Y' see they're always skylarkin' when they git liquor under their belts." "Skylarking?"

Any one could tell it was him, in spite o' the dust we kicked up, by reason o' the side-glance o' his wicked little eye, his big hairy fore'id, an' his tail stickin' out stiff like a crook'd spankerboom. "In course I was not a-goin' to fire into him, so I gave the frigate a dig wi' my heels tho' I'd got no irons on 'em an' tried to shove up alongside of a fat young cow as was skylarkin' on ahead.

We mustn't let 'em have it, I tell you. Now, I want you to load your guns carefully, handle 'em very carefully after they are loaded, git back in the cars, stop skylarkin', keep very quiet, listen for orders, and when you git 'em, obey 'em to the letter no more, no less."

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