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"Lorna, I don't know what the shimmy and toddle are. I've only heard of them." "Buried alive, I'll say," she retorted. Lane bit his tongue to keep back a hot reprimand. He looked at his mother, who was clearing off the supper table. She looked sad. The light had left her worn face. Lane did not feel sure of his ground here. So he controlled his feelings and directed his interest toward more news.

But I should think you'd feel rather handicapped you can't very well shimmy, even if you want to." The camel hung his head lugubriously. "I wish you'd say something," continued Betty sweetly. "Say you like me, camel. Say you think I'm pretty. Say you'd like to belong to a pretty snake charmer." The camel would. "Will you dance with me, camel?" The camel would try.

About any subject you can name, from whether the government should own the railroads to describin' the correct hold in dancin' the shimmy. This particular day though it happens to be babidolls. Maybe it wasn't just accident, either. I expect the sudden arrival of spring had something to do with the choice of topic.

He could even tolerate "Red's" harmonica; in fact, he often begged him to play it when the latter came over to midday dinner, and his legs had so improved that he could actually jiggle them to some merry tune. "If you don't look out, you'll be dancin' soon!" "Red" used to say on these happy occasions. "You can shimmy now!" "Shet your head!" Uncle Henry cried; but not angrily not now.

"What woman is that?" said he to Jansen, who was at the wheel. "De frau, mynheer. Dat is de frau of Shimmy Duk." "How dare she come on board? Send her aft here, marine." The marine went forward and gave the order; and Jemmy, who expected a breeze, told his wife to behave herself quietly. His advice did not, however, appear to be listened to, as will be shown in the sequel.

And in one moment he had heard that which killed the false enchantment. "Not a chance!..." "Hot dog she's some Jane!" "Now to the clinch " "What'll we do till the next spiel " "Have a shot? "Boys, it's only the shank of the evening. Leave something peppy for the finish." "Mame, you look like a million dollars in that rag." "She shakes a mean shimmy, believe me...." "That egg! Not on your life!"

Been embroidering them shimmy things and lunch cloths back of the desk when she thought I wasn't lookin' for the last six months." Ted came down next morning at 8 A.M. with his nerve between his teeth and the chip still balanced lightly on his shoulder. Five minutes later Minnie Wenzel knocked it off.

And we'd no sooner caught our breath after inspectin' her than Horatio makes an entrance, and we behold the youngster whose usual costume was an old gray sweater and a pair of baggy pants now sportin' a suit of young hick raiment that any shimmy hound on Times Square would have been glad to own. Slit pockets?

"Nope, I'm not crazy, an' I shore said invitation.... I meant thet white shimmy dress you wore the night of Flo's party. Thet's my invitation to get a little fresh with you, Pretty Eyes!" Carley could only stare at him. His words seemed to have some peculiar, unanswerable power. "Wal, if it wasn't an invitation, what was it?" he asked, with another step that brought him within reach of her.

It seemed that the habit of shuddering at the thought of pie ran in the McCall family, for at the mention of the word a kind of internal shimmy had convulsed Washington's lean frame, and over his face there had come an expression that was almost one of pain. He had been reaching out his hand for a slice of Health Bread, but now he withdrew it rather hurriedly and sat back breathing hard.