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I knew the boys would pull it off for me, but I didn't reckon on it so durn soon." "Shut up!" ordered the man behind the gun, without moving his eyes from Flatray. "I'm a clam," retorted the other. "I'm waiting for those hands to go up; but I'll not wait long, seh." Jack's hands went up reluctantly. "You've got the call," he admitted.

Forenoon afternoon?" was the reply. "Can you paint sometimes in the morning and keep shop in the evening?" "Yes, seh." Minor details were arranged on the spot. Raoul dismissed the black boy, took off his coat and fell to work decanting something, with the understanding that his salary, a microscopic one, should begin from date if his cousin should recommend him.

"Hold on, seh," said Colonel Catesby Jennison; "we may as well drink to that." Fortunately, as Stephen drew near the Court House, he caught sight of a group of officers seated on its steps, and among them he was quick to recognize General Sherman. "Brice," said the General, returning his salute, "been celebrating this glorious Fourth with some of our Rebel friends?"

Well, seh, I nuver 'spects to heah tell Judgment sich a soun' ez de folks set up! Ole missis she jes' drapt down on her knees in de mud an' prayed out loud.

And we'd be only too glad to see it so again for we love 'em yet, seh if they wouldn't insist so on mixin' religion an' politics. I'll consult some o' my people an' let you know." When he consulted his church officers that evening only two replied approvingly. One of them was the oldest, whitest haired man in the church.

"Hold on, seh," said Colonel Catesby Jennison; "we may as well drink to that." Fortunately, as Stephen drew near the Court House, he caught sight of a group of officers seated on its steps, and among them he was quick to recognize General Sherman. "Brice," said the General, returning his salute, "been celebrating this glorious Fourth with some of our Rebel friends?"

He heard his name being passed from mouth to mouth, and came partly to his senses. He stopped dancing, and grinned at them. "Say, you are Gideon, ain't you?" his discoverer demanded, with a sort of reverent audacity. "Yaas, seh," said Gideon; "that's me. Yo' shu got it right." He broke into a joyous peal of laughter the laughter that had made him famous, and bowed deeply before him.

"I haven't doubted that a moment since I knew she did it," said Bellamy quietly. "Glad to hear it. I be'n misjudgin' you, seh, but you're a white man afteh all. Well, you know the rest of the story: how she held up the stage, how Jack drapped in befo' our tracks were covered, how smart he worked the whole thing out, and how my little gyurl confessed to him to save me." "Yes, I know all that."

They claim if a bear or an elk strays in from below, and the caves sets up their coughin', which they don't regular every day, the animals die. I have seen it come in two seconds. And when it comes that-a-way risin' upon yu' with that fluffy kind of a sigh, yu' feel mighty lonesome, seh. "So Hank he happened to look back and see Willomene hangin' at the aidge o' them black rocks.

Anyhow, we're much obliged to you, Mr. Morse. I'll tell you what, seh," he added as an after-thought. "You come down and talk it over with 'Lissie. If you can make her see it that way, good enough." When Champ Lee turned his bronco's head homeward he was more at peace with the world than he had been for a long time. He felt that he would be able to look his little girl in the face again.