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"No, seh, I observe he not 'mongs' de comp'ny, 'caze yo' maw's Jane, she call my notice to dat." "I wonder how my mother likes Jane. Do you know?" Johanna showed a pretty embarrassment. "Jane say yo' maw like her. She say yo' maw like her 'caze she always done tole yo' maw ev'thing what happm when yo' maw not at home. Seh?

"Mistoo Itchlin, seein' as 'tis you, a puffic gen'leman, 'oo is not goin' to 'efuse that satisfagtion w'at a gen'leman, always a-'eady to give a gen'leman, I bid you faw the pwesen' good-evenin', seh!" He walked away. Richling stood in his tracks dumfounded, crushed.

The night you ran the batteries he and some others went across to your side in skiffs in skiffs, seh, I say and set fire to the houses in De Soto, that we might see to shoot. And then he came back in the face of our own batteries and your guns. That man was wounded by a trick of fate, by a cussed bit of shell from your coehorns while eating his dinner in Vicksburg.

O'Connor was strangely interested in this story of treachery and mystery. He rose with shining eyes and held out his hand. "I don't know, seh, but I'll try damned hard to do three things: find out what has become of the little girl, of Dave Henderson, and of the scoundrel who stole your baby because he thought the map was in the pocket." "You mean that you don't think Dave "

He nuvver hu't me, but in co'se I wuz a-hollerin' ez hard ez I could stave it, 'cause I knowed dat wuz gwine mek him stop. Marse Chan he hed'n open he mouf long ez ole marster wuz tunin' 'im; but soon ez he commence warmin' me an' I begin to holler, Marse Chan he bu'st out cryin', an' stept right in befo' ole marster, an' ketchin' de whop, sed: "'Stop, seh!

The big Texan leaned towards Simpson. "Now you-all watch my methods. Mistu’ Simpson, seh, what du think of the prospects of rain?" There was a general recommendation from Simpson that the entire company go to a locality below the rain-belt.

"I hope to be able to accommodate you, seh, about this time to-morrow, so far as getting the gold goes. You'll have to wait a week or two before the rest of your expectations get gratified." "Any reasonable time. I want to see him there eventually. That's all." Jack laughed again, without giving any reason for his mirth. That ironic smile continued to decorate his face for some time.

"Yes, seh, Mahstah Majah, Ah beg yo' t' see if hit's raght!" and he held it up to me. It read: Mellins on Sale Mush & Water Ask Mr. Tuckerman at his House. I gave the thing a critical survey under his grave regard, then applauded the workmanship and hoped him a prosperous season with the melons.

"We'll adjourn to the poker room upstairs then, Mr. O'Connor." Bucky laid a hand on the shoulder of the boy. "This kid goes with me. I'm keeping an eye on him for the present." "My business is private, but I expect that can be arranged. We'll take the inner room and let him have the outer." "Good enough. Break trail, seh. Come along, Frank."