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Updated: August 9, 2024

"S-s-say, you a hunter, and never heard about the s-s-spring-gun trap?" exclaimed Toby, scornfully. "Well, I'll try to explain, if you give me a little t-t-time, and don't r-r-rush me too much. You see, a gun is f-f-fastened to the ground, and aiming along a certain avenue that the intended thief has just g-g-got to use in c-c-coming up to the b-b-bait.

"Sit down again in exactly the same place where you were at the time you saw these yellow eyes staring at you they were yellow, all right, I suppose?" Max continued. "R-r-reckon I did s-s-say that," admitted Toby, "b-b-but I might's well confess right n-n-now that I couldn't s-s-say for sure whether the eyes were g-g-green or y-y-yellow. All I k-k-know is they s-s-stared like anything at me."

What ailded him I don't know, and I ain't calling the turn, but nobody could get nothing out of him, I know that. I talk and talk. I slap him on the shoulder, and pull his leg and sing to him " "S-s-say it over," suggests the mascot. The widow cannot understand. "Why, don't you know, I was expecting him to fix me?" "Is it politics?" "That's what it is.

Keep watching, and if some eddy in the current happens to throw us on a bar close to the shore, we'll hustle to reach land the best we know how, no matter where it is, or how far from home." "T-t-that's what I s-s-say," stammered Toby; "all I w-w-want is to feel the g-g-good old g-g-ground under my f-f-feet again. I never thought it could be so n-nice as it seems right now."

But we're a peaceable crowd, you know; that's one of the leading rules in the constitution of the Ranger Boys' Club." "Yes," chuckled Bandy-legs, "we're set on having peace even if we have to fight for it." "Well," put in Toby, aggressively, "all I c-c-can s-s-say is, they'd b-b-better think twice before t-t-trying to bother our crowd. We're only b-boys, but we've got rights."

"Tell us about it," requested the judge. "There isn't very much to tell," said Pepper, repeating the details of his trip, from the time of meeting the horse and wagon with Monkey Rae and the man. "Of course," muttered Jack, "you could bet Monkey would be in it somewhere." "S-s-say," went on Pepper, "how did that fight come out? I didn't have time to stop and see."

He put his thumbs in the armholes of his vest, spread his feet apart, squared himself and smiled like a king who had offered his throne to a beggar. David regarded him with a look of astonishment. "What do you s-s-say?" Gravely, placidly, the young Quaker answered: "I thank thee, friend, for what thee evidently means as a kindness, but I must decline thy offer." "Decline my offer?

"Must 'a got some new kind of motor aboard that is silent," suggested Jack. "J-j-just a-goin' to s-s-say that, when Jack t-t-took the w-w-words out of m-m-my m-m-mouth," Bluff exploded. "No trouble doin' that, Bluff," laughed Bobolink.

"C-come, little g-g-girl, what's up?" She made no response, her lips faltering as though suddenly stricken dumb. Beth Norvell dropped down from the pony's back, and stood with one hand resting on Mercedes' shoulder. "She only came to show me the way," she explained bravely. "I-I have a most important message for Mr. Winston. Where is he?" "Important, d-did you s-s-say?"

"S-s-say, d-d-don't you k-k-know we've got a fi-fine b-b-barn on our p-p-place, fellows?" "For goodness sake; won't somebody please pound Bluff Shipley on the back, and make him bite his twisted tongue, so he can talk straight?" cried a pleading voice. "Listen!"

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