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Updated: August 9, 2024

They keep all kinds of good things sometimes in these cabins along the shore." "Seems to be something like a hencoop back of the house," added Bandy-legs. "Oh! s-s-say, don't go to g-g-getting a feller's m-m-mouth all made up for nice r-r-roast chicken, and then never find any," objected Toby.

"S-s-say " "Whistle it, Pepper," said Jack. "I don't know what it is you want to say, but I guess we all agree with you." "We can take turns using it." "We can draw lots for the first ride on it." "Or toss up for it," proposed Donald. "I am glad you like it," began Nellie. "We most certainly do," chorused the boys; "and we are ever so much obliged.

And s-s-say, he seems to be s-s-swimmin' this way, don't he?" Steve broke out into a yell. "Why, bless your old timid soul, Toby, that isn't any snake at all, only one of those big wild-grape vines, like enough, that's ketched on to that floating tree trunk close by.

"And it will always have just a faint fishy smell to me, because the rascal ate up all Toby's morning catch before we got him," remarked Max. "S-s-say, we had f-f-fish for s-s-supper last night, didn't we?" demanded Toby.

"Oh, no, they wouldn't. I'll fix it up with Captain Bannister." "That's all right," said Spike, "but piracy isn't the only thing they've got against us." "Isn't it?" "Not by a long shot." "Why, what else have you done?" "B-B-Burglary, b-b-by g-g-gum! S-S-Say, what were you f-fellows doing? This b-boat is said to be owned by n-notorious b-b-b-b- burglars and thieves!"

He stared fixedly at her, as though she had struck him a stinging, unexpected blow. "Him? A-an' you s-s-say she 's on the squar?" "Yes; I say she is on the square, because I think so. It's a hard life she 's had to live, and no one has any right to judge her by strict rules of propriety. I may not approve, neither do I condemn.

"S-s-say, wouldn't that j-j-just be g-g-great," said Toby. "Well, the traps are set and it's been pretty nigh a morning's work, because there's so much to do about trapping a smart fox. But, boys, let's hope that to-morrow or some other day it'll all be paid back, and I'll be able to show you what a beautiful skin the black fox sports."

"`B-B-B-Brompton, `B-B-B-Bayswater! they shouted together; and then, turnin' fiercely on each other, the one said `N-N-N-No! and the other said `N-N-N-No! `Now, which is it? said Dale, `an' be quick do. "`B-B-B-Brompton! "`B-B-B-Bayswater! in a breath; then says one, `I I s-s-say Brompton! an' the other, he says, `I I s-s-say Bayswater!

"They agree with the description to a dot," Owen replied, confidently; "and, to my mind, these seem particularly fat and promising." "T-t-tell me about that, now, will you?" gasped Toby, who was also examining a prize. "S-s-say, Max, why looky here, I've picked up these s-sort of c-c-clams many a t-time when d-diving."

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