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"Thank you, sir," said Ron simply, while Margot, as usual, hastened to amplify his words. "I hope we shall be friends. I hope we shall all be friends. I was dreadfully tired really, but I felt worse staying in the house, and in that little parlour after dinner I nearly fell asleep." Mr Elgood's eyes lit up with a flash of humour. "But when a man's out of health you canna judge him!

Ron bestirred himself to comfort her, full of gratitude for so heartfelt an interest. "Never mind! You did your best, and it's nobody's fault that he turned out such a Diogenes. The governor has been awfully decent since he came up, and I don't despair of getting the time extended.

"I wanted to talk to you!" "To remonstrate, I suppose, for what I said at supper! You and Ron are angry, no doubt, and feel yourselves badly used. You have come to fight his battles, as usual." "No. I don't want to fight at all. Just to talk to you a little while, and say I'm sorry."

But you must have known. How else could it get in? You must have given permission." "My sweetheart, what have I to do with the Loadstar, or any other magazine? What has my permission to do with it?" "Everything in the world! Oh, I know exactly what has happened. Your brother has told you about Ron, and showed you his verses, and you put them in for his sake and mine!

All men admire Margot," said Ron to himself, noting with an artist's appreciation the picture made by the graceful figure of the girl, with her vivid, healthful colouring, the little cap set jauntily on her chestnut locks, the breeze showing glimpses of the bright tartan lining of her cloak.

The desire to know him grew daily in intensity, while, unconsciously to herself, the personal element slowly predominated the thought of Ron and Ron's future. Now, as the brother and sister argued together, they were hurrying along by the edge of the tarn on their way to service at the kirk, for this was Sunday morning, the fifth day after their arrival at the Glen.

Well, well, hand it over! I'll bear it as bravely as I may " Ron winced, and bit his lower lip. It was agony to sit by and watch the cool, supercilious expression on the critic's face, the indifferent flick of the fingers with which the sheet was closed and returned. "Anything more?" "You don't care for that one?" "Pretty platitudes!

Be satisfied with what you have gained, and carry Ron away to your Highland glen, but leave my holiday alone, if you please. I'm quite capable of choosing a companion for myself if I need one." "Yes, dear," said Margot meekly; but her smile showed no sign of contrition. She had heard this terrible indictment times without number, but as yet there had come no waning of her influence.

Leetle boat could ron the Parle Pas, maybe so, but I suppose, us, we'll let those boat down on the line because we'll got some scares, hein?" "It's just as well to have some scares on these mountain rivers, Moise," said Alex, reprovingly. "This water is icy cold, and if even a man got out into the rapids he couldn't swim at all, it would tumble him over so.

Ron rose from his seat with, it must be confessed, a sigh of relief. He was ill at ease in the atmosphere of the sick-room, and hardly recognised his jaunty, self-confident companion in this wan and languid invalid.