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"If they dinna' strike the right place, they'll no' find it easy to cross the burn. She rins in a deep cut an' the bottom's saft." "What's likely to happen if they get off the track?" "Weel," said Pete, with a chuckle, "it's verra possible they'll stop in the flow till morning, maybe up to the knees in mire. I dinna' think there's much reason they should get in deeper, but they might."

"An' syne," cried Malcolm eagerly, "that ane turns roon' an' rins efter the first; that 'll be 'fled and pursued transverse. I hae't! I hae't!

"You haven't a bin dreamin' of it, have 'ee?" said Joan, her face growing pale with apprehension. "Naw, 'tis gospel truth, every ward. I've a had a toothful of liquor since, and a bit o' caulk, but not a drap more." "Jerrem's comin' up into t'other room," said Joan, not wishing to betray all the alarm she felt: "will 'ee go into un there the whiles I rins down and says a word to Eve?"

A body wad think I had nae heid for what I prided mysel' upo' an un'erstan'in' o' hoo things are putten thegither, specially i' the w'y o' stane an' lime! The closet rins richt intil the great blin' wa' atween the twa hooses! I thoucht that wa' had been naething but a kin' o' a curtain o' defence, but there may weel be a passage i' the thickness o' 't!"

"Eh, but ye wad mak a bonny munsie o' me, Grannie, to hae me feart at the deil an' a'! I canna a' thegither help it wi' the ghaists, an' I'm ashamed o' mysel' for that; but I AM NOT gaein to heed the deil. I defy him an' a' his works. He's but a cooerd, ye ken, Grannie, for whan ye resist him, he rins." She made no answer.

'How extraordinary! said Argent. 'Why were they not burned equally through? 'I hae been thinkin' the fire caught them in the spring, when the sap rins strong; so the sap-wood saved thae shells, to misguide the puir axmen. I thought I had a fair couple o' cribs o' lumber a' ready to hand, when I spied the holes, and found my fine pines naething but empty pipes.

He's just been a week at the job. He rins about in a wee motor-cawr, and wad speir the inside oot o' a whelk. 'Where's your house? I asked, and was directed by a wavering finger to the cottage by the stream. 'Well, back to your bed, I said, 'and sleep in peace. I'll take on your job for a bit and see the Surveyor.

Then she told him a great deal about Gibbie and his father. "An' noo," remarked Donal, "he'll be thinkin' 't a' ower again, as he rins aboot the toon this verra meenute, luikin' for me!" "Dinna ye trible yersel' aboot him," said the woman. "He kens the toon as weel's ony rottan kens the drains o' 't. But whaur div ye pit up?" she added, "for it's time dacent fowk was gauin' to their beds."

"That's true; but no frae hearsay alane," returned Malcolm. "The luik o' the puir fallow whan he but hears the chance word mither, 's a sicht no to be forgotten. He grips his lugs atween 's twa han's, an' rins like a colley wi' a pan at 's tail. That couldna come o' naething." Mrs Stewart hid her face on the cushioned arm of the settee, and sobbed.

Then I thought it might be better if I didna' interfere, and made for a bit glen that rins doon the fell. When I saw my chance I slippit oot and found the peat-hag." Foster knitted his brows. It looked as if Pete had drawn the police off his antagonist's track, which was unfortunate; but Gordon had evidently been watching the fellow, who would now have enough to do to make his escape.