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Epanchin to her retreating husband in a tone of excited annoyance. "Yes, my dear, it was an old abbot of that name-I must be off to see the count, he's waiting for me, I'm late Good-bye! Au revoir, prince!" and the general bolted at full speed. "Oh, yes I know what count you're going to see!" remarked his wife in a cutting manner, as she turned her angry eyes on the prince.

As usual, his card-case was in another coat. "I'm sorry I have none," he said at length, "but my name is Reginald Gethryn, and I shall give myself the pleasure of calling to thank you for " "For nothing," laughed the other, "excepting for the sketch, which you may have when you come to see me." "Thanks, and au revoir," glancing at the card. "Au revoir, Mr Bulfinch."

"And to-night I will show you a portrait on ivory, one that will make you think you see her as you once knew her, Pierre: a picture I keep among some relics, and look at often oftener than you think, or anyone in the world could guess. Good-bye or rather till nine no, ten to-night, au revoir."

But Prulliere, laughing angrily, as became a pretty man, declared that they were not playing the game. Louiset, meanwhile, slept soundly on two chairs. It was nearing one o'clock when the company separated, shouting au revoir as they went downstairs. For three weeks the existence of the pair of lovers was really charming.

"No," acknowledged Leslie, who had not failed to observe Potter's undisguised admiration of the girl, "to be perfectly frank with you, I do not think he will. Ah, here come the men who are going with me in the boat. I must say au revoir!" "Good-bye, for the present," answered Miss Trevor; "I hope you will be successful."

Providence may have arranged all for the best, though one of us may have to suffer. Pray for that some one. Good-by 'au revoir!" She kissed Jacqueline's forehead and was gone, before her cousin had seized the meaning of her last words. But joy and peace came back to Jacqueline. She had recovered her best friend, and had convinced her of her innocence.

Come and see me: I will put you into the way of business. Au revoir, Prince." And without giving Serge time to answer him, Herzog reached the boudoir where his daughter was waiting with impatience. Behind him came the Prince looking rather troubled. The financier's words had awakened importunate ideas in his mind.

Beside her sat the little old man in the brown coat and the goloshes instead of boots. On seeing me, he jumped up and ran out of the room. In response to my greeting, the old lady smiled and said: "Je suis charmée de vous revoir, monsieur." "What are you making?" I asked, a little later. "It's a blouse.

And if you encounter Mary on the way, tell her that a certain discontented old lady of her acquaintance wants to be taken home. Au revoir." About five minutes later Mary Masters found her aunt half asleep. The paint had made her stupid, she said. She could understand now why painters did not improve as they grew older; it was the smell of the paint.

He wished Miss Beecher a delightful trip upon the Nile and hoped to see her upon her return, and she could be sure that everything would be arranged for her. When she had had her tea and wished to leave, the motor would return her to the hotel. He made a rapid speech in Turkish to his sister, bowed formally to Arlee over a last au revoir and was gone.