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Frank Errington was the dust which the scoundrel threw metaphorically in the eyes of the police, and you must admit that he succeeded in blinding them to the extent even of making them entirely forget the one simple little sentence, overheard by Mr. Andrew Campbell, and which was, of course, the clue to the whole thing the only slip the cunning rogue made 'Au revoir! Don't be late to-night. Mrs.

"You can count on me for a friend always," Neil said, with a sudden gush of warmth, as he extended his hand, adding hurriedly: "And now I must say good-by, as I have an engagement. Au revoir and bon voyage."

"I shan't be two minutes," she said, "You might get the basket from Madame; and my sketching things are on the terrace all ready strapped up." The hoofs of the smart gray pony slipped and rattled on the cobble-stones of the hotel entry. "Au revoir: amuse yourselves well, my children."

Roger Raleigh presented himself with the breakfast-urn at the Bawn, tarried during sunshine, slipped home by starlight across the lake. Every day Mrs. Laudersdale was more brilliant, and flashed with a cheery merriment like harmless summer-lightnings. One night, as he pushed away from the bank, he said, "Au revoir for five hours." "For five hours?" said Mrs. Laudersdale. "For five hours."

"You have had the kindness not to delay me," he said, pressing the hand of his young 'confrere', "but I feel that I must hurry. 'Au revoir'." A good riddance! This babbling gave Saniel the vertigo. He must recover himself, look the situation in the face, and consider that which might, which must, happen. The situation was plain; Madame Dammauville's cry revealed it.

"Au revoir until the seventh of November at whatever hour is arranged, or if we must meet before at the signing of the contract," and I bowed. She bowed also, and walked haughtily to the door, and left. And greatly exhilarated, I decided to go and lunch with Maurice at the Ritz.

John soon gets high and dry with these smart ladies, and they seem mutually tired of each other; so we got the carriage and took our departure, Frank pressing my hand as he bade me farewell, and whispering, "Au revoir, Miss Coventry; something tells me it won't be very long before we meet again." What could he mean?

Besides, I long to be on the move; Paris, London, the world, in short, bores me, bores me, bores me!" "The fact is, it is stupid, egotistical and cowardly," responded Labanoff. He again held out to Menko his nervous hand, burning, like his blue eyes, with fever. "Farewell!" he said. "No, no, 'au revoir'!" "'Au revoir' be it then. I will let you know what has become of me." "And where you are?"

I must leave you now. Au revoir. Remember, to-morrow, early, at ze French market; and not one word to your chaperone, Madame Long: you promise?" We promised of course what foolish girls wouldn't have promised? and the graceful little Frenchwoman moved away, leaving two girls more interested and excited than they had ever been in all their lives.

The devil confound you and Aaron Bang, thought I but waltz I must, and away we whirled until the room spun round faster than we did, and when I was at length emancipated, my dark fair and fat one whispered, in a regular die away, "J'espere vous revoir bientot."