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Updated: August 5, 2024

Very dejectedly the young man made his way towards the door, whilst Diana, overcome with sympathy and horror at his abrupt dismissal, could hardly refrain from rushing forward to intercede for him. And then, to her intense amazement, Baroni whisked suddenly round, and following the young man to the door, laid his hand on his shoulder. "Au revoir, mon brave," he said, with the utmost bonhomie.

"That is easy; it is the only thing that is easy for me to do." "It is an obstacle in the way of your Jardine, and may stop him a moment. We can manage this way more easily. The important thing is to warn me as soon as the fire begins. 'Au revoir', my dear Sir."

Of course, should you meet with any accident, telegraph to the Vittorio Emmanuele, at Brindisi. Money," she said, almost bitterly, "would be telegraphed; and so, I say" he listened breathlessly "au revoir at Brindisi!" she concluded, giving him her hand, with a frank smile. As Alan Hawke descended the stair, he growled. "A woman without a heart, and not without a head!"

Hurriedly, and with a preoccupied air, Pyotr Stepanovitch held out his hand from the window for the last time. "You see, I am sitting down to cards with them." "Why explain, Pyotr Stepanovitch? I understand, I understand it all!" "Well, au revoir," Pyotr Stepanovitch turned away suddenly on his name being called by the young man, who wanted to introduce him to his partners.

"I know she'd like to see you again." "No, thanks," he said, taking her hand, "I'm on my way to the train I'd quite forgotten it. Au revoir!" He reached the end of the porch, turned, and called back, "As a 'dea ex machina', she has never been equalled." Honora stood for a while looking after him, until she heard a footstep behind her, Mrs. Holt's. "Who was that, my dear?" she asked, "Howard?"

Little Mildred and another man saw him off, for he was the guest of the mess, and even had he smitten the colonel with the open hand, the law of that mess allowed no relaxation of hospitality. 'Good-bye, Dirkovitch, and a pleasant journey, said little Mildred. 'Au revoir, said the Russian. 'Indeed! But we thought you were going home? 'Yes, but I will come again.

"Farewell, cardinal, au revoir!" Full of joy at the high good fortune which had fallen to him, and at the same time saddened at the abrupt departure of the queen, the cardinal turned back to Paris. On the next day the Countess Valois brought a billet from the queen, in which she deeply regretted that their interview yesterday had been so brief, and promising a speedy appointment again.

"Decidedly effective," answered Charley quietly. He picked up his shears. "You will excuse me," he said grimly, "but I must earn my living. I cannot live on my reputation." The Seigneur and the Cure lifted their hats to the tailor. "Au revoir, Monsieur," they both said, and Charley bowed them out. The two friends turned to each other a little way up the street.

I foresaw another outburst of conscience, and though I liked Johnny, I liked myself better. So I said: "Oh, leave it to the colonel; he'll manage all right." "Now I'm off," said the latter, "back to my friend Johnny. Good-night, signorina. Write to the President to-morrow. Good-night, Martin. Make that speech of yours pretty long. Au revoir till next Friday."

Thinking so, he skated slowly toward her, wishing to be sure that he was wanted, and, as he did so, the gentleman, perceiving his approach, ceased speaking and looked most obviously annoyed at the young man's arrival. Madame de St. André waved her hand lightly. "Au revoir, Monsieur de St. Aulaire!" she cried.

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