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Updated: August 29, 2024

How I do hate that pernicketty French! Let's see let's see. Oh yes, here it all is. Ask pardon for two poor prisoners trying to escape um, um, um years of misery. Generous Englishman some day remerciments. Ah, it's all scribbled horribly in the dark, I suppose. Oh, he's signed it, though, Pickle. `Des Saix, Comte. Oh, there are two of them, then.

The world is big enough for it. Unfortunately, since the Egyptian business which might easily have been the opportunity for a friendly agreement, but which we have made such a mess of all these questions are confused and taken amiss.... Je termine en vous renouvelant encore tous mes remerciments, et en vous priant de me croire votre bien affectionne, The Journal then has: July 24th.

They called each other "Kitty" and "Madeleine," and saw each other frequently; why, Lady Tranmore could never discover, unless on the principle that it is best to keep your enemy under observation. "She telegraphed to Worth as soon as her invitation arrived, 'Envoyez tout de suite costume Vénus. Réponse. The answer came at dinner she had a dinner-party and she read it aloud: 'Remercîments.

The little dreary laugh made him shiver. "Mille remerciments, mon camarade. I'm a failure, and failures are best left alone. C'est ainsi que la vie!" Hers was the sole fiasco in an otherwise successful performance. The final spectacle was a lurid representation of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

"My Dearest Life, I am rushing, flying to you now. I will be with you as soon as fiacre can bring me." I closed it, and made him wait while I sealed it, lest he should interfere with it. Then I handed it to him with a two-franc piece, and with bon jours and remerciments and grins he withdrew. I dressed hurriedly and yet carefully, and shaved with a dangerously trembling hand.

"Oh no; only don't let me down too fast." "That must depend on how heavy you are. We can't keep dangling you between sky and earth all night. Come; you are not nearly as heavy as your brother. Adieu, mon cher; bon voyage!" "Adieu, madame; mille remerciments." I thought of St. Paul in the basket, and the two Israelitish spies.

"And may I never again hope for the happiness of meeting you on the beach?" "But surely you may!" "Mille remerciments; Madame." A strangely soft restrained tone echoed in this simple word of thanks. Secret desires murmured in it and unexpressed confessions. Mary, although she did not look as though she were experienced in flirtation or advances, made a brief, timid gesture.

Agreez mes remerciments bien vifs et bien sinceres pour les Scripture Prints que Mr. Lewis Gruner a bien voulu me remettre de votre part. Si le nom du peintre n'y etait pas, je suis sur qu'en les voyant, je me serais ecrie: Ah! Raphael. C'est tout ce qu'un homme n'ayant, malheureusement, aucune connaissance de l'art, peut vous dire pour vous rendre compte de l'impression que lui a faite la copie.

Susan [aside]. I can never tell her that, for she is a Frenchwoman, and wouldn't believe it. I'll tell her something more melodramatic. I'll say that Mr. Nokes is my father, who has suddenly recognized and discovered his long-lost child. Madame, c'est mon père longtemps absent, qui vous en prie d'accepter ses remerciments pour votre bonté

"Probably because I'm always firmly convinced of your ultimate success." "No, no. It isn't that. It's because you're the most perfect accompanist any one could have." Miss Lermontof swept her a mocking curtsey. "Mille remercîments!" Then she laughed rather oddly. "I believe you still have no conception of the glory of your voice, you queer child."

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