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Updated: August 9, 2024

Tully announced pridefully. "I remembered how fond you used to be of wild-blackberry pie so I phoned up to the logging-camp and had the woods-boss send a man out to pick them." "I'm still a pie-hound, Mrs. Tully, and you're still the same dear, thoughtful soul. I'm so glad now that I had sense enough to think of you before I turned my footsteps toward the setting sun." He patted her gray head.

"I'm Cardigan, and I own this sawmill and must stay here and look after it." There was a light, exultant feeling in his middle-aged heart as he scampered along the deck. The girl had wonderful dark auburn hair and brown eyes, with a milk-white skin that sun and wind had sought in vain to blemish. What a mate for a man! And she had looked at him pridefully.

He held her off at arms' length, and looked at her pridefully, but under his gaze her eyes fell, and her face flushed with a sudden diffidence and a new shyness of realization. She wore a calico dress, but at her throat was a soft little bow of ribbon. She was no longer the totally unself-conscious wood-nymph, though as natural and instinctive as in the other days.

They and you have some things in common, but you will not misunderstand me when I congratulate you on what is peculiar to you. You have been fully Americanized for more generations than most other Americans. You have no need to strive after the American spirit. I have a friend of Greek birth, who thinks pridefully back to the Golden Age of Greece, and I envy him his glorying.

I always tell Maria everything that I conveniently can it is not well for a man to have secrets from his wife and when I occasionally refer to my past flames I find myself often growing more than pridefully loquacious over my early affairs of the heart, but when I thought of the serious study that I once made in my twentieth year of the dozen easiest, most painless methods of committing suicide because Miss Mehitabel Flanders, aetat thirty-eight, whom I had chosen for my life's companion, had announced her intention of marrying old Colonel Barrington one of the wisest matches ever as I see it now I drew the line at letting Maria into that particular secret of my career.

"I've been in the open hearth since I left school," he went on; "it was born in me, I've never thought of anything else." His tone grew sharp, as if it might occur to the other to contradict the legitimacy of his pursuit. "I have done well enough, too," he said pridefully. "Most of them come on from college.

He paid as much as a new rifle would have cost, but he did not know that though he did know that he had scarcely enough money left in his pocket to jingle when the transaction was completed. He carried the rifle across the saddle in front of him and fingered the butt pridefully while his eyes went glancing here and there hopefully, looking for the bear that had crossed the trail that morning.

"But boys, an' men-folks ginerally, air scandalous easy ter break a promise whar whiskey is in it." "I'll hev ye ter know that when I gin my word, I keeps it!" cried Rick pridefully. He little dreamed how that promise was to be assailed before the sun should go down.

The water air ez still ez a floor thar, an' deep an' smooth, an' they didn't hev no trouble in swimmin' out to him. They couldn't bring him to, though, at fust. They said in a little more he would hev been gone sure! Now" pridefully "ef he hed hed the grit ter ketch a tree an' pull out, like I done, he wouldn't hev been in sech a danger." Andy never knew the sacrifice his friend had made.

"He is my husband," the woman laughed. Then it was true! John Thompson had not lied that bleak February day, when she laughed pridefully and shut the door in his face. As once she had thrown Amos Pentley across her knee and ripped her knife into the air, so now she felt impelled to spring upon this woman and bear her back and down, and tear the life out of her fair body.

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