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"I'm sick of being hunted. Just for a change I turn hunter. Where's the mazuma you promised Rachel?" Meiklejohn, using a hand like one in a palsy, produced a pocketbook and took from it a bundle of notes. "Here!" he quavered. "Now, for Heaven's sake " "Just the same old William," cried the stranger, seating himself unceremoniously.

'I've on'y had twinty so far, an' I'm gettin' scrivener's palsy, he says. 'But befure I go, he says, 'I bet ye eight millyon yens, or three dollars an' eighty-four cints iv ye'er money, that ye can't pick out th' shell this here pea is undher, he says. An' they set down to a game iv what is known at Peking as diplomacy, Hinnissy, but on Randolph sthreet viadock is called the double dirty."

It was as though her heart were touched with ice. Mr. Harley's countenance had been of that quasi claret hue called rubicund. It was now turned gray and pasty, and his cheeks, as firmly round as those of a trumpeter, were pouched and fallen as with the palsy of age. He looked ten years worse than when he went forth two hours before. Dorothy sprang up in alarm; she feared that he was ill.

That inflammation of the spinal marrow of these regions always produces palsy, more or less complete, of the abdominal members. That, in some cases, this inflammation is limited to the inferior or superior parts of the spinal marrow, and that there is loss only of feeling or of motion. That sometimes animals die of palsy without any organic lesion.

I was mad, an' talked till I couldn't speak fur my voice give out, an' that wasn't soon. He just sat still hearing me, but he was white, an' shook like a man wi' the palsy. They said he'd had fits once an' that made him nervous, but I didn't think o' him like that. He was strong, fur he could make most all men do as he wanted.

And when he would hear Tashtego singing out for him to produce himself, that his bones might be picked, the simple-witted steward all but shattered the crockery hanging round him in the pantry, by his sudden fits of the palsy.

As soon as the first rays of the sun peeped into his rude sleeping-chamber, he "arose, took up his bed, and went into his house." I saw immediately an explanation of this expression, which, with slight variations, occurs frequently in the Bible, in connection with several of the most striking and impressive of Christ's miracles, particularly with that of the man sick of the palsy.

Even palsy could not deaden her personal vanity: her love of dress survived the total loss of her beauty; she became accustomed to the sight of her distorted features, and was still anxious to wear what was most genteel and becoming. Mrs. la Mode had not a more constant visitor. "How are you, Mrs. Ludgate, this morning?" said she. "But I need not ask, for you look surprising well.

"Speak no word, Paulina." The woman paled beneath the dirt and tan upon her face. "Who is it?" she whispered with parched lips. "You know it is Michael Kalmar, your husband. Come forth. I wait behind yon hut. No word to any man." "You mean to kill me," she said, her fat body shaking as if with palsy. "Bah! You Sow! Who would kill a sow? Come forth, I say. Delay not."

"Then why don't he make people good?" "I said, he kin do what he likes. He don't like to do people's own work for 'em. He doos make 'em good, as soon as they're willin' and ask him. But the man sick with the palsy had to rise and take up his bed and walk; and what's more, he had to believe fust he could do it. I know the Lord gave the power, but the man had his part, you see."