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"'Thee cas'n goo no vurder, Bill Blacksmith saith to me: 'nawbody 'lowed to crass the vord, until such time as Faggus coom; plaise God us may mak sure of 'un. "'Amen, zo be it, says I; 'God knoweth I be never in any hurry, and would zooner stop nor goo on most taimes. "Wi' that I pulled my vittles out, and zat a horsebarck, atin' of 'em, and oncommon good they was.

My son-in-law," she explained to the visitor, "he's oncommon kind about humourin' my fancies, an' every year he fetches me a peck or two o' wimberries you can get 'em reet enough here i' th' market, an' I make us a few pots o' jam 'tis the only kind as ever I could fancy. Eh, what baskets-full the childer used to bring me in i' th' owd days! Will ye cut yourself a bit o' bread, sir?

"No, no, young sir can't be I knows a genelman when I sees one, but it's no go Jerry's a rare desperate cove an' oncommon sly " "Then give him the water yourself " "Not me, sir!" "I tell you the man is faint with thirst and ill-usage " "Then let 'im faint. A young gent like you don't want nothin' to do wi' th' likes o' 'im let 'im faint "

"Now, look here, lad," he said, changing the subject, "but do you know you've got an' oncommon ac'rate gun in this old weepon?" The boy smiled interested. "It's the salt of the earth," said Jack, "an' I'll bet it's stood 'twixt many a gentleman and death. Can you shoot true, little 'un?" "Only fairly can you?" "Some has been kind enough to give me that character" he said promptly.

"Oh, ho oh, ho I see," the old man said, tractable and easily convinced. "I know Lawd! I got reason ter know that Briscoe's dead. I war afeared o' seein' su'thin' oncommon his harnt, or some sech. The idee shuk me powerful. I hev had a fever lately. Lemme sit down I I can't stand up.

Howsever, havin' opened the subject, it will be as well to end it honestly. The first inimy you have to be watchful of, as I've already told you, Judith, is oncommon good looks, and the next is an oncommon knowledge of the sarcumstance. If the first is bad, the last doesn't, in any way, mend the matter, so far as safety and peace of mind are consarned."

You've only got to use your eyes and your head to make them worth ten times as much to you as they are now." "Seems to me," said Sid Russell, "as if your head 'n eyes, or least ways your head is a mighty oncommon good one." "You're right dah, Mas' Sid," said Black Joe; "you're right for sartain. I'se dun see Mas' Sam do some mighty cur'ous things, I is.

"Well, I reckon if they was I wouldn't be oncommon grieved." "I'll tell you, boys, I'll ride in myself with Carter. There's business I can see to, and I'm curious to know what the rebels are doing. Laddy, keep one eye open while I'm gone. See the horses are locked up.... Gale, I'm going to Casita myself. Ought to get back tomorrow some time. I'll be ready to start in an hour.

I looks round in all directions, but I couldn't see nothin' cause why? there wasn't nothin' to be seen. It was 'orrid dark, I can tell ye. Jist one or two stars a-shinin', like half-a-dozen farden dips in a great church; they only made darkness wisible. I began to feel all over a cur'ous sort o' peculiar unaccountableness, which it ain't easy to explain, but is most oncommon disagreeable to feel.