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Not too much, lest as Maria said, we should "make de folks up stairs t'ink dere war somethin' oncommon in de kitchen;" but one or two hymns we would have, so full of spirit and sweetness that often now-a-days they come back to me, and I would give very much to hear the like again. So full of music too.

The fire was burning very briskly and Little Wolf sat before it in an attitude of deep thought, so Daddy very gently put down the wood, and was going out, when his young mistress called after him. "Daddy." "Yes, Honey." "Daddy, I've been thinking of going for Fanny Green to-day." "'Tween you and me, its a oncommon fair day, likely you wouldn't take no cold.

Peggotty, after looking at Ham, who stood smiling sheepishly over the shellfish, without making any attempt to help him, said: 'We come, you see, the wind and tide making in our favour, in one of our Yarmouth lugs to Gravesen'. My sister she wrote to me the name of this here place, and wrote to me as if ever I chanced to come to Gravesen', I was to come over and inquire for Mas'r Davy and give her dooty, humbly wishing him well and reporting of the fam'ly as they was oncommon toe-be-sure.

Lookin' you up an' lookin' you down, an' sizin' you up, an' sizin you down, all purty careful, an' examinin' the corners O' your eyes oncommon close, an' also lookin' at the way you set your feet when you walk, I'm concludin' that you just natcherally love a fight, an' that you are lookin' fur one." But Cornelius Heemskerk sighed, and shook his head.

The teamster replied that travel was dry, the water-holes were dry, and he was dry. And his reply gave both concern and amusement. "One more trip out an' back thet's all, till it rains," concluded Wilson. Brackton led him inside, evidently to alleviate part of that dryness. Water and grass, next to horses, were the stock subject of all riders. "It's got oncommon hot early," said one.

I was kind to him, as you may remember, and helped him to many little odd comforts," odd enough were they, of a verity, "and he was grateful. Of all virtues, give me gratitude, say I! It is the noblest, as it is the most oncommon of all our good qualities. How little have I met with, in my day!

An' jest at that minute, love bein' oncommon strong over me this mornin', I took the first kiss from Roxy's mouth, an' she didn't say nothin' agin it." Here Jack Wonnell kissed the atmosphere several times with deep unction, and ended by a low whoop and whistle, and looked at Levin Dennis with one eye shut, as if to get Levin's opinion of all this.

That ain't the way to get out of being common, old chap. And as to being common, I don't make it out at all clear. You are oncommon in some things. You're oncommon small. Likewise you're a oncommon scholar." "No, I am ignorant and backward, Joe." "Why, see what a letter you wrote last night! Wrote in print even!

"But still the bull moose, at this season of the year, is sometimes, when wounded, about as ugly a customer as you meet with in the woods. This fellow I judge to have been oncommon vicious, as he begun his tantrums before he was touched at all, it seems. I dunno but 'twas the woman put the devil into him, as women do into two-legged animals sometimes, don't they, young man?" "The woman?

We must sartainly manage to get Hist off, and have 'em married as soon as we get back to the tribe, or this war will be of no more use to the chief, than a hunt a little oncommon extr'ornary. Yes Yes he'll never be the man he was, till this matter is off his mind, and he comes to his senses like all the rest of mankind.