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"And you, Deerslayer," she at length succeeded in saying "are you, indeed, altogether unhurt? It seems almost miraculous that a pistol should have burst in your hand, and you escape without the loss of a limb, if not of life!" "Such wonders ar'n't oncommon, at all, among worn out arms.

Master Jim soon became purple in the visage, but Zubby, looking up at him, and supposing the effect to be the result of an unusual flow of spirits, rather enjoyed that than otherwise. "Pr'aps I may be excused for the observation," said Flaggan, removing his pipe for a moment, and gazing over Paulina's shoulder, "but if that youngster ain't being strangulated he looks oncommon "

But feeling that it was useless to appeal to the former experience of the boatswain, he changed his plan of attack. "Dick Price," said he, "it's a hard case for an innocent man to be hanged." "So it is, boy, oncommon hard. I once know'd a poor feller as was hanged for murderin' his old grandmother.

And the oncommonest workman can't show himself oncommon in a gridiron, for a gridiron IS a gridiron," said Joe, steadfastly impressing it upon me, as if he were endeavouring to rouse me from a fixed delusion, "and you may haim at what you like, but a gridiron it will come out, either by your leave or again your leave, and you can't help yourself "

'Growed, Mas'r Davy bor'? Ain't he growed! said Ham. 'Ain't he growed! said Mr. Peggotty. They made me laugh again by laughing at each other, and then we all three laughed until I was in danger of crying again. 'Do you know how mama is, Mr. Peggotty? I said. 'And how my dear, dear, old Peggotty is? 'Oncommon, said Mr. Peggotty. 'And little Em'ly, and Mrs. Gummidge? 'On common, said Mr.

"Well, now," said Haley, "I could raise that ar chap myself, or get him raised; he's oncommon likely and healthy, and he'd fetch a hundred dollars, six months hence; and, in a year or two, he'd bring two hundred, if I had him in the right spot; I shan't take a cent less nor fifty for him now." "O, stranger! that's rediculous, altogether," said the man.

As I said, the next day after that singular experience of Faith's wuz Sunday, and my pardner and I went to the Tabernacle. We wuz told that there wuz to be oncommon exercises that day owin' to the visit of a great Evangelist from the West. Lots of folks had come on the night boats so as to be there to hear him.

"Wal, railly, now," said Captain Corbet, "I shouldn't wonder if thar was a good deal in that, though I didn't think of it afore. Course it's natral you shouldn't be over fond of sech, when you've had sech an oncommon tough time. An now, bein' as thar's no uthly occasion for the Antelope to be a lingerin' round this here isle of the ocean, I muve that we histe anchor an resume our vyge.

And hair of waving gold, and lips and cheeks as pink as the hearts of the roses that climbed all Winter round her winder and the sweetest, daintiest ways and so good to everybody, them that wuz poor and sufferin' most of all. Barzeel wuz always most too enthusiastick to suit me, but I got the idee from what she said that she wuz a oncommon lovely child. Good land!

He saw the great War in an endless perspective of time; for him it had no end. "You will soon be home in Wiltshire again," I said encouragingly. He mused. "Reckon the Sweet Williams 'ull be out in the garden now; they do smell oncommon sweet. And mother-o'-thousands on the wall. Oh-h-h." A spasm of pain contracted his face. The nurse was hovering near and I saw my time was up.