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"You've got a real man there an' they're oncommon hard to find. An' now, if you've got some grub along suppose we tie into it. I'm hungry enough to gnaw horn!" As Alice proceeded to set out the food, the Texan's eyes for the first time strayed to the horses. "How much did Long Bill Kearney soak you for the loan of his saddle-horses?"

Cristie. "Filled!" said the elderly woman. "There's nobody on the place but his own family and the Greek." "Greek!" exclaimed Mrs. Cristie. "Yes," said the other; "he keeps a Greek in an outhouse, but what for nobody knows. I think Stephen Petter is gettin' more oncommon than he was. If he wants to get custom for his house the best thing he can do is to die.

"Well, if it is actin', it's oncommon ugly actin', I tell ye; a deal too nat'ral for my tastes, so I'd advise ye to drop it here, an' carry yer talents to a theaytre, where you'll be paid according to your desarts, Long Orrick." "Ah! the night air don't agree with ye, Coleman, so I'll bid ye good-bye," said the other, rising and quitting the hut.

"If Old Tom has taken to a new calling, and has been trying his hand at the traps," cried Hurry, who had been coolly examining the borderer's implements; "if that is his humor, and you're disposed to remain in these parts, we can make an oncommon comfortable season of it; for, while the old man and I out-knowledge the beaver, you can fish, and knock down the deer, to keep body and soul together.

The lad Wilkie 'll be to bide wi' them, and Chirsty had bocht the chintz to cover the airm-chair wi'. It's ane o' thae hair-bottomed chairs, but terrible torn, so she'll hae covered it for 'im to sit on." "I wouldna wonder but ye're richt, Leeby; for Chirsty would be in an oncommon fluster if she thocht the lad's mither was likely to hear 'at her best chair was torn.

Sez I, 'Who'? Sez she, 'His granddaughter; that is Ellice's chile'. Sez I, 'How do you know so much'? Sez she, 'I was darning them liberry curtains, and I couldn't help hearing the wrangle'. Sez I, 'You picked a oncommon handy time to tackle them curtains; they must be mighty good to cure the ear-itch'. She axed me if I didn't see the family favor in the 'oman's face; and I tole her no, but I would see for myself.

The little un's oncommon spry, an' may give us a lift somehow." Claude was treated roughly, bound, and sent forward on foot; but the representations of Père Michel secured better treatment for Mimi. A litter was made for her, and on this she was carried.

Our run from Montauk has been oncommon short, and I've time enough to spare to go to the southward of Jamaica too, if the notion takes me." "That would greatly prolong the passage, Captain Spike, a week at least." "What if it does I've a week to spare; we're nine days afore our time." "Our time for what, sir? Is there any particular time set for a vessel's going into Key West?"

"Don't be pickin' flaws all the time, Josiah. There is enough of beauty and grandeur here to satisfy any common man." "But I hain't a common man, Samantha, and never wuz called so." "Well, oncommon then, there is enough beauty here to satisfy an oncommon man." That seemed to molify him, and he gin in that it wuz a pretty good show.

"For now Peregrine wants to marry me according to the ways o' the Church!" "Hum!" said the Tinker, staring very hard at a piece of pork impaled upon his knife-point. "Ha marriage, hey, friend Peregrine? Marriage is an oncommon serious business and you are a leetle young for it, ain't you?" "I'm nineteen turned!" said I.