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I'll surely make it right. "Course he had to!" growled the lumberman, and he passed the paper round. "Oncommon peart baby," said Skid, at last. "Dreadful cold shack, though!" muttered Bates, conveying a quarter of a griddlecake to his mouth. "That's just it," said Pose, scowling.

"Well, if ye come fur to be oncommon strick in the use o' your lingo, I did not 'xactly tell ye so, but I thought so, w'ich is all the same." "It ain't all the same," replied Gurney, whose temper seemed to have been a little soured by the prospects before him, "and you don't need to go for to be talkin' there like a great Solon as you are." "Wot's a Solon?" inquired Tim.

In short, John contemplated having his daguerreotype taken as a bridal present for Maude. Accordingly, that very afternoon he arrayed himself in his best, and, entering the yellow car of a traveling artist who had recently come to the village, he was soon in possession of a splendid case and a picture which he, pronounced "oncommon good-lookin' for him."

"Little fear of our missing that, if we keep this path in the middle of the lake," returned the young man. "Natur' has made us a road here, and, dim as it is, there'll be little difficulty following it." "Do you hear nothing, Deerslayer? It seemed as if the water was stirring quite near us!" "Sartainly something did move the water, oncommon like; must have been a fish.

"I dun'no' why folks be so 'feared of 'em," Rox-by remarked, speculatively. "The dead ain't so oncommon, nohow. Them ez hev been in the war, like you an' me done, oughter be in an' 'bout used ter corpses-though I never seen none o' 'em afoot agin.

I thought there was somethin' else in it," said Tim, carelessly, "for it seems to perdooce oncommon bad jokes in them wot eats of it." "Now, Tim, don't you go for to be sorcostic, but tell us a story." "Me tell a story? No, no, lads; there's Glynn Proctor, he's the boy for you. Where is he?" "He's aboard the wreck just now. The cap'n sent him for charts and quadrants, and suchlike cooriosities.

Bedad now it was a very lucky thing it so happint there was none of the pólis or red coats about, be raison of their gettin' notice the buryin' was somewhere else oncommon lucky." "It's as quare as the rest of it," said Peter Dooley, who had heard the story before, "that nobody among them had had the wit to put a few brickbats in it, or some good big lumps of heavy stones.

"Well," growled Joe, "of all the perverse old raspers that ever I did see " "That's enough, Joe, that's enough!" exclaimed the Old Un, fanning himself with his rakish hat. "Jest bend down and flick the dust off me shoes with your wipe, like a good lad, will ye? That's the worst o' these 'ere patent leathers; they looks well, but they sure ketches th' dust, Joe, they ketches the dust oncommon bad.

"Better as it is," whispered Bill, groping about, for the night was so intensely dark that it was scarcely possible to see a yard. "I knows the way to the harbour, if we only manage to get out. Ah, here's the wall, but it's an oncommon high one!" This was indeed too true.

N ? We have been told that she and the family are in a dreadful state of destitution. "The good Lord! What will become of the crathurs?" responded Jenny, wiping her wrinkled cheek with the back of her hard, brown hand. "An' thin they have not a sowl to chop and draw them firewood; an' the weather so oncommon savare. Och, hone! what has not that BASTE of a man to answer for?"