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Right down to the minute when Grim, Jeremy and I sat down with Ben Saoud the Avenger on a stricken field at Abu Kem, and Grim and Jeremy played their hands so cleverly that the Avenger was made, unwitting guardian of Jeremy's secret gold-mine, and Feisul's open and sworn supporter in the bargain, the heart of Grim's purpose continued to be a mystery even to me; and I have been as intimate with him as any man.

Ye see John Hale, he sent a note to ye 'splainin' matters by a gentleman; but the road agents tackled that man, and left him for dead in the road." "Yes," said Mrs. Hale impatiently. "Luckily he didn't die, but kem to, and managed to crawl inter the brush, whar I found him when I was lookin' for stock, and brought him to my house " "YOU found him? YOUR house?" interrupted Mrs. Hale.

"Why, when Tom Flynn kem back from Sacramento, and he warn't thar more nor a week, he jest slung yarns about his doin's thar to last the hull rainy season."

Medenham led the way into a small anteroom and switched on the light. "Now," he said. "Mr. Vanrenen kem to Chester last night in Simmond's car, my lord. This mornin' he sent for me an' sez 'who are you? 'The chauffeur, sir, sez I. 'Whose chauffeur? sez he. 'Yours for the time, sez I, bein' sort of ready for him. 'Well, you can get, sez he. 'Get what? sez I. 'Get out, sez he.

But it wasn't until our rescue of Jeremy Ross from near Abu Kem, that I ever heard Grim come out openly and admit that he was working to establish Feisul, third son of the King of Mecca, as king of just as many Arabs as might care to have him over them. That was the cat he had been keeping in a bag for seven years.

The idea is then that Spencer Tucker was drownded in that boat; the idea is" his voice was almost lost in a hoarse whisper "that it was no living man that kem to me that night, but a spirit that kem out of the darkness and went back into it! No eye saw him but mine no ears heard him but mine. I reckon it weren't intended it should." He paused, and passed the flap of his hat across his eyes.

"And I reckon you wouldn't mind my racin' a bit if anybody kem up?" "No." "The mare's sort o' fastidious about takin' anybody's dust." "Is she?" said Rose, with a faint smile. "Awful," responded her companion; "and the queerest thing of all is, she can't bear to have any one behind her, either."

And they looked contented and kam. And onct I don't know if YOU remember it you kem close up to the winder with your hands behind you, and looked out so kam and quiet and so far off, ez if everybody else outside the school was miles away from you. It kem to me then that I'd given a heap to hev had the old woman see you thar. It kem to me, Mr.

"They lef' some tall striped poles planted in the ground, red an' sich colors, ter mark the way; an' them mounting folks over yander in the furderest coves, they air powerful ahint the times, they hed never hearn o' sech ez a survey, noway, an' the poles jes' 'peared ter them sprung up thar like Jonah's gourd in a single night, ez ef they kem from seed; an' the folks, they 'lowed 't war the sign o' a new war."

'The ould gandher was the first out, and the priest and Terence kem next, pantin' an' blowin' an' more than half dhrounded, an' his Raverince was so freckened wid the droundin' he got, and wid the sight iv the sperit, as he consaved, that he wasn't the better of it for a month.