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"And will ye truly gang wi' me to find my bairn? May the guid God o' heaven bless you!" and the tears ran down his cheeks. "Git your traps together at once, man," Peter said. "Let's go straight back to the fort; then I'll set the matter before the chief, who will, I warrant me, be glad enough to jine the expedition.

He may be able to jine up a broken man or woman after a fashion, and put his finger upon an ache if you tell him nearly where 'tis; but these young men they should live to my time of life, and then they'd see how clever they were at five-and-twenty! And yet he's a projick, a real projick, and says the oddest of rozums.

If you like the service, well, you'll jine; and if you don't, Jim, why, you're free to answer no free and welcome, shipmate; and if fairer can be said by mortal seaman, shiver my sides!" "Am I to answer, then?" I asked, with a very tremulous voice. Through all this sneering talk I was made to feel the threat of death that overhung me, and my cheeks burned and my heart beat painfully in my breast.

"Every time Dick took a drink, which I must say waren't often, of course he invited me to jine, but when I said no, that was enough and he let me alone. Oh, he was shrewd, and was playing his cards like a boss of the game. "Wal, we had only one brush with the Injins, and we got to the place we had fixed on without any harm, and with most of the whiskey still in the keg.

No one here has any objection, unless it may be Graves." "Oh, Mr. Graves ain't. He and I fired up together that night we fust met. Hot smoke tasted grateful after all the cold water we'd had poured onto us in that storm. Graves is all right. He's a sportin' character, like myself. Maybe he'll jine us. Got another cigar in my pocket." But the invitation was declined.

"I allow I ain't gwine ter be the unly one out er the hull number thet don't seem to hev nothin' ter pray ter; I allow I'll jine in prayer, tew, but I shan't say mine ter no picter!" And Aunt Ri fell on her knees; and when a young Indian woman by her side slipped a rosary into her hand, Aunt Ri did not repulse it, but hid it in the folds of her gown till the prayers were done.

"Mohammed must have met our countrymen!" exclaimed Molloy, with excited looks, as they halted to listen. "It may be so, but there are other bands about besides his," said Miles. "What's that? a cheer?" "Ay, a British cheer in the far distance, replied to by yells of defiance." Molloy echoed the cheer in spite of his better judgment. "Let's run an' jine 'em!" he exclaimed.

An' what about that widee of Jerrypath? Didn't her meal and ile last when she done what was right? Tell me that!" "Oh, yes, that may be as ye say. I ain't botherin' about old 'Lijah an' that widow. If them people lived to-day they'd jine forces an' start the biggest flour an' ile company the world has ever seen.

I've always liked you, I have, for a lad of spirit, and the picter of my own self when I was young and handsome. I always wanted you to jine and take your share, and die a gentleman, and now, my cock, you've got to. Cap'n Smollett's a fine seaman, as I'll own up to any day, but stiff on discipline. 'Dooty is dooty, says he, and right he is. Just you keep clear of the cap'n.

'Yes, judging by the tone of the Charleston papers you've read to-day, I think they will. 'And der yer tink dat de rest ob de Souf will jine wid Souf Car'lina, if she go at it fust? 'Yes, Jim, I'm inclined to think so. 'I hard you say to massa, dat ef dey goes to war,'twill free all de niggers der you raily b'lieve dat, sar?