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One meets another near our house, and says, 'Where did you meet Bill? 'Just this side of Small's Brook, or 'At the top of Gray's Pinch, 'At the Dry Mill-Pond, 'Just the other side of Lemmy Jones's, 'On the long causeway, 'At Jeems Gowen's, 'Coming down the Pulpit Rock Hill, 'Coming down Tarkill Hill. I have heard these answers till I have them by heart, without having any idea where any of the places are, excepting the one I have seen to-day.

Two men stood below the terrace on a garden path. One of them waved his hat as Charity looked around. And behind them stood Jeems. "Go away," said the worker, "go away, Judson Holmes. I haven't any time for you today." "Not after I've come all the way from New York to see you?" he asked reproachfully. "Why, Charity!"

"You believe that, Jeems?" "Yes, just as you believe that I did not kill John Barkley. But the world is against us. It is against us both now. And we've got to hunt that hidden valley of yours together. Understand, Marette? And I'm rather glad." He turned toward the door. "Will you be ready in ten minutes?" he asked. She nodded. "Yes, in ten minutes."

And by the steps lay something else, a slight brown figure. Painfully the boy got to his feet and lurched across to Jeems. The swamper was lying on his back, his eyes closed. From a great purple welt across his forehead the blood oozed sluggishly. When Val touched him he moaned faintly. "Val! Are you hurt? What's the matter?" Ricky was upon them like a whirlwind out of the bush.

But the yearning was still there, revealing itself to him, and yet, like the sun, infinitely remote from him. "I wish that I might answer those questions for you," she said, in a voice that was low and tired. "I should like to have you know, because I I have great faith in you, Jeems. But I cannot. It is impossible. It is inconceivable. If I did " She made a hopeless little gesture.

We had delicious venison steak, smoking hot, and hoe-cakes and the "bestest" coffee, and honey. After breakfast we set out for home. Our pack transferred to one of the little mules, we rode "Jeems," and Mr. Parker rode the other mule. He took us another way, down cañon after cañon, so that we were able to ride all the time and could make better speed.

While Val was frightening his family by indulging in a bout of fever to complicate his injuries, Jeems was proving himself a tower of strength and a person to be relied upon. Even Lucy had once asked his opinion on the importance of a fire in the hall, and with that his position was assured.

"When you are stronger," he whispered, "we will go over that hidden trail together, past the Watcher, toward Dawson. For it must be that over there we will find a missioner " He paused. "Please go on, Jeems." "And you will be my wife." "Yes, yes, Jeems forever and ever. But, Jeems" her arms crept up about his neck "very soon it will be the first of August." "Yes ?"

It was her house, and she would have to be responsible for it against the devouring elements. That night I dreamed that the awful suggestions of Messrs. Teddy, Jeems, Doller, and Macleod had been realized. I dreamed that the new house was confronted upon one side by a wall of flame, and upon the other by a wall of water. Destruction and death seemed imminent.

"So Mars Johnson went on en tol' 'im how he had ter starbe de noo nigger 'fo' he could make 'im take holt er a hoe. "'Dat wuz de beatinis' notion fer a nigger, sez Mars Jeems, 'puttin' on airs, des lack he wuz a w'ite man! En I reckon you did n' do nuffin ter 'im? "'Oh, no, suh, sez de oberseah, grinnin' lack a chessy-cat, 'I did n' do nuffin but take de hide off'n 'im.