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Updated: August 3, 2024

"But you didn't see no signs o' Jarge, did ye?" demanded Old Amos, "as ye might say, neither 'ide nor 'air of 'im speak up, James Dutton." "W'ich, since you axes me, I makes so bold as to answer an' very glad I'm sure no; though as to 'ide an' 'air, I aren't wishin' to swear to, me not bein' near enough w'ich could only be expected, an' very much obliged, I'm sure."

"Oh, Mis' Trowbridge, do let me take her," exclaimed Patty. "Me too!" cried Ide. "They're just like children. I guess we'll have to humour them this once," laughed Mr. Brett's Cousin Fanny. When I smiled at Patty, she cuddled her arm round me, and then Ide promptly did the same. Thus interlaced, the procession moved into the house. The door of the verandah opens into a cosy sitting-room.

"Seems ter me, sir," he began, after a pause, "that this yere's the genuyne article. One of them old passages what people like King Charles and Bloody Mary an' a few other of them celebrities you sees at Madame Tussord's any day in the week, used to 'ide in when things were a-gettin' too 'ot fer 'em. That's what this is."

Smiley began uncomfortably, "But, my gracious, I wish you would ask Aunt Ide, Barry!" she interrupted herself uncomfortably. "She'll tell you. She's the one to ask." Aunt Ide was Mrs. Scott. "Tell me WHAT?" he persisted. "You tell me, Lulu; that's a dear." "Auntie 'll tell you," she repeated, adding suddenly, to the boy, "Russy, wasn't Aunt Ide in her room when you went up? You run up and see."

"How good you may be I doant know, but you air sertingly a much better man than you would be if you was not fiting for the Union. I hoap you air a regler, consistent Christian. Ide prefer you to be a Methodist Episcopal, but any church is much better than none. "He be glad to heer that you have received these things all rite. "Sincerely your friend and well-wisher, "Jerusha Ellen Briggs."

'It is like a woman's "No", added Glaucus: 'it cools, but to inflame the more. 'When is our next wild-beast fight? said Clodius to Pansa. 'It stands fixed for the ninth ide of August, answered Pansa: 'on the day after the Vulcanalia we have a most lovely young lion for the occasion. 'Whom shall we get for him to eat? asked Clodius. 'Alas! there is a great scarcity of criminals.

The things you're used to must be a good deal handsomer. Everything's so old here." "I love old things," said I. "Our house at home is very old, and I wouldn't have anything changed for worlds, even if it were to be made better." "Why, that's kind of the way I feel, too!" exclaimed Patty, giving my waist a sympathetic squeeze. "I like this living-room. But Ide doesn't admire it a little bit."

Trowbridge and the girls had changed their dresses while we were away, and put on white ones, fresh and nice, though the plainest of the plain except Ide, who had a pink Alsatian bow in her hair and a flowered sash.

Harvard professors have been succesively: Francis G. Peabody, Theodore W. Richards, William H. Scofield, William M. Davis, George F. Moore, H. Munsterberg, Theobald Smith, Charles S. Minog; and Roosevelt professors: J.W. Burgess, Arthur T. Hadley, Felix Adler, Benj. Ide Wheeler, C. Alphonso Smith, Paul S. Reinsch, and William H. Sloane.

But it's in reach of my hand again now almost and I can't stand it to wait twelve hours, Dawson I can't stand it. There are fifty things that could happen to me I could go blind I might be attacked with heart disease the world might come to an end before I could " Ide sprang to his feet again, with a shriek. People stirred on the benches and began to look. Vallance took his arm.

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