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"How good you may be I doant know, but you air sertingly a much better man than you would be if you was not fiting for the Union. I hoap you air a regler, consistent Christian. Ide prefer you to be a Methodist Episcopal, but any church is much better than none. "He be glad to heer that you have received these things all rite. "Sincerely your friend and well-wisher, "Jerusha Ellen Briggs."

"A Pictur-shew," sed he, "with a swoiree between, and all the fashionables of this interestin location there." "Don't care if I duz," sed I, "perwided u go the Ticket." "Sertingly," sed he. "Mr. Ward, you are my guest for the evening." So we put on our go-to-meetings, and yaller kid-skins, and sot off. First we go up into a big room with a blaze o' lite and a crowd of cumpany.

All the 'types, as he called them, represented by these personages of my story had come to be recognized, each as standing for one and the same individual of my acquaintance. It had been of no use to change the costume. Even changing the sex did no good. I had a famous old gossip in one of my tales, a much-babbling Widow Sertingly.

My master, to do him justace, was perfickly sivvle to this poar young Frenchman; and having kicked him out of the place which he occupied, sertingly treated his fallen anymy with every respect and consideration.

All the 'types, as he called them, represented by these personages of my story had come to be recognized, each as standing for one and the same individual of my acquaintance. It had been of no use to change the costume. Even changing the sex did no good. I had a famous old gossip in one of my tales, a much-babbling Widow Sertingly.