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Elliot. Somewhat embarrassed, he stepped aside. The physician stopped. "Er Surtaine," he said hesitantly. "Well?" "I've had time to think things over. And I've had some talks with Mac. I I guess I was wrong." "You were right enough from your point of view." "Think so?" said the other, surprised. "Yes. And I know I was right, from mine." "Humph!" There was an uncomfortable pause.

"Young woman, you're a shameless flirt!" accused the invisible one in stern tones. "If I am, it isn't going to hurt you. Besides, I'm not. And, anyway, who are you to judge me? You're not here as a judge; you're an augur. Now, go on and aug." "Aug?" repeated the other hesitantly. "Certainly. Do an augury. Tell me which." "Oh! As for that, it's easy. None." "Why not?"

Curiosity had unloosed her tongue. "Well? May I be so bold as to inquire what interest you may have in my personal affairs, Miss Webb? Frankly, I am at a loss to understand the meaning of this unexpected, and I might say somewhat unusual visit." "I ... I don't know as I can explain," began Rose, hesitantly. "I ... I felt that I had to see you, because ... I had a letter yesterday from ... from Dr.

Just as a potter's wheel, once it has been set in motion, will keep on turning for a long time and only slowly lose its vigour and come to a stop, thus Siddhartha's soul had kept on turning the wheel of asceticism, the wheel of thinking, the wheel of differentiation for a long time, still turning, but it turned slowly and hesitantly and was close to coming to a standstill.

We were sent to the Colonial School to pick you up and escort you to him. When we found out you'd disappeared, we had to do some fast improvising. Not my business to tell you the reasons for that." Trigger said hesitantly, "Those people who were chasing this car " "What about them?" he asked thoughtfully. "Were they after me?" "Well," he said, "they weren't after me.

"I I won't say it," said Strong hesitantly, "but if anything has happened to those boys, I'll personally dig Vidac's grave!" Jane had moved to the window and was watching the wild activity in the Plaza below. "They're spreading out!" she cried. "They must be searching the city." Strong rushed to the window and looked down. "That means they haven't found the cadets!" he exclaimed.

His hands clenched fiercely. How realistically, how importunately, how pitifully she took form before him! She was on her knees, clasping his knees, imploring him, terrified. From Jimmie Dale's pocket came the black silk mask. Slowly, almost hesitantly, he fitted it over his face Mike Hagan knew Larry the Bat. Why should he have pity for Mike Hagan? Had he any for Connie Myers?

That sounds as if someone had told him. Did you?" "Well," replied the other hesitantly, "now that you mention it, summon it, as it were, to my attention, or, should I say, force it on my notice; or, perhaps, arouse my slumbering memory " "Meaning you did?" "I might have." "When?" "'S afternoon. We met by chance.

He divined the subject which she wished to discuss and dreaded the interview. The ethical side of the matter gave him no concern; but the same lack of stamina which caused him to shrink made it impossible for him to refuse. "Where shall I meet you?" he hesitantly inquired, "at Sherry's as usual?" "No," she hastily objected. "That has become rather too usual."

"Lots of girls have steady company and don't get married either," the girl replied hesitantly. "Oh, yes, but this is different," the mother said. "When's it goin' t' be?" "Some time in October," Elizabeth said, her words dragging. She had consented, but the mere mention of the time made her shrink. "Is th' house done?" Mrs. Farnshaw asked, her mind, like her hands, filled with practical concerns.