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Leaving off his work as the wagon drew near he gazed with hand-shaded eye, and recognizing Jasper, threw down his axe and began to scramble over the fence, but one of the men fired a shot to scare him and he dropped back, took off his hat, scratched his head and remarked: "Sorter 'pears like you got me. Helloa, Jasper. Didn't know folks war a comin' around a takin' you a ridin'."

"I was wondering what on earth you were doing with yourself," she said gayly. "I say," he said, his eye taking in the bright little room, "this is a swell shack you've got." "I've tried to make it look pretty and homelike." "Helloa, what's this!" said Marsh, whose eye had fallen for the first time on the bowl of flowers. "Aren't they pretty? I've only just picked them. They're mustard flowers."

The traffic in the streets was increasing every moment, and as he stumbled across the courtyard a drunken man going by the gate stopped and cried into the passage, "Helloa, there! I'm a-watchin' of ye!" The bloodhound leaped up and barked, but John hurried into the house and clashed the door. He sat on the form and tried to compose himself.

"Helloa, Given!" he called: Jim was a favorite with him, as indeed with pretty much every one with whom he came in contact, officers and men, "you, too, seem put out. I wonder if you've read anything as queer as that," handing him the paper and striking his finger down on an item; "read it." Jim read:

They can see in the dark but not in the daytime. But when Billy Bunny called out, "Helloa, Mr. Barney," the old gentleman owl blinked his eyes and said, "Who's calling me?" And then the little rabbit thought he'd play a joke, so he said, "Mr. Mouse!" And if there was anything that Old Barney loved to eat, it was mice. And in the next story I'll tell you what Billy Bunny did.

"Well, you're the prize blockhead of the West," was the impatient comment of the young Kentuckian. "How you could have heard anything of that signal as it must be and forget it is beyond my understanding." "Dot's what I dinks. I'll remember sometime after a few days helloa!" His exclamation was caused by the blotting out of the circular fire which had caused so much speculation.

The keen eyes of the ranger peered through the darkness into which he was plunging so swiftly, on the alert for the first sign of an enemy. As he drew near the Upper Crossing he slackened his pace slightly, those behind doing the same, with the exception of the settler and his son, who found themselves at the side of the leader. "Helloa! there's one of 'em!" exclaimed Nat.

The youth was right in each respect, for the name of the Indian who made such short work with him was Deerfoot the Shawanoe. Jack Carleton was in the middle of a pleasant dream of home and friends, when a light touch on his shoulder caused him to open his eyes and look up with a quick, inquiring glance. "Helloa!

Margaret Mary will be shocked." Occasionally these conferences would be interrupted by Mildred's voice from the other end of the dormitory, where she would raise her head from her pillow and say: "Alma Lier, you ought to be ashamed of yourself keeping that child up when she ought to be asleep, instead of listening to your wicked stories." "Helloa, Mother Mildred, is that you?"

Jack had got this far in his meditation, when he heard a footfall near him, and, just as he turned his head, a familiar voice called out: "Helloa, Shack, ish dot you?" The amazement of Jack Carleton, when he recognized the figure before him, was beyond description.