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From Lier to Termonde, from Haesdouk to Malines each little river, swollen by its tributaries each canal overflowed, and spread over the flat country its contingent of furious water.

The burghers were suffered to retain their arms, while, on the other hand, Don Sancho lost no time in despatching messages to Alost, to Lier, to Breda, and even to Maestricht, that as large a force as possible might be assembled for the purpose of breaking immediately the treaty of peace which he had just concluded.

Caroline, perhaps, might have been piqued some months ago that he did not dance with her; but now, her heart such as it was felt preoccupied. L'ESPRIT de l'homme est plus penetrant que consequent, et embrasse plus qu'il ne peat lier.* VAUVENARGUES. * "The spirit of man is more penetrating than logical, and gathers more than it can garner."

The states' army hardly numbered eighteen thousand foot and two thousand cavalry, under the famous Francois de la None, surnamed Bras de Fer, who had been recently appointed Marechal de Camp, and, under Count Bossu, commander-in-chief. The muster-place of the provincial forces was in the plains between Herenthals and Lier.

It would be difficult to define the feelings of Caroline as she heard that St. Eval was in England, and coming to Oakwood. Had he so soon conquered his affections, that he could associate with lier on terms of friendly intimacy? She longed to confess to her mother her many conflicting feelings; she felt that her earnest prayers were her own, but shame prevented all disclosure.

When, in lier beautiful closes, she prolonged a tone, attenuated it by degrees, and falling gently upon the final note, the sound, though as ethereal as the sighing of a breeze, reached, like Mrs. Siddons's whisper in Lady Macbeth, every part of the immense theatre.

These two generals being informed of what was to be done upon the Upper Weser, attacked Minden, and carried it, whilst a detachment of the French entered the country of East Friesland, under the command of the marquis d'Auvel; and, after taking possession of Lier, inarched on the right side of the Ems to Embden, the only sea-port the king of Prussia had, which at first seemed determined to make a defence; but the inhabitants were not agreed upon the methods to be taken for that purpose.

The burghers were suffered to retain their arms, while, on the other hand, Don Sancho lost no time in despatching messages to Alost, to Lier, to Breda, and even to Maestricht, that as large a force as possible might be assembled for the purpose of breaking immediately the treaty of peace which he had just concluded.

The states' army hardly numbered eighteen thousand foot and two thousand cavalry, under the famous Francois de la None, surnamed Bras de Fer, who had been recently appointed Marechal de Camp, and, under Count Bossu, commander-in-chief. The muster-place of the provincial forces was in the plains between Herenthals and Lier.

The officers uttered a cry of joy. "There is but one drawback," said the prince. "What is it, monseigneur?" "That it would take a day to send our orders to the different towns, and we have but an hour." "And an hour is enough." "But who will instruct the fleet?" "It is done." "By whom?" "By me. If these gentlemen had refused to give it to me, I should have bought it." "But Malines, Lier, Duffel?"