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"Helloa!" exclaimed, Jack, when he looked at the earth again and observed that the tracks had taken a new form, with nearly eight feet between them. "Otto has forced the colt to a trot. He must be in a hurry, or he thinks I am fond of traveling."

He knocked, and a startling echo, an audible darkness, came from the valley. He knocked again, and a voice cried from the street: "Who's that?" "Helloa, is that you, my boy?" There was no answer, but a figure rushed through the darkness, seized DeGolyer, and in a hoarse whisper said: "Come where there's a light." "Why, what's the matter, Henry?" "Come where there's a light."

"I s'pose there's what you call philosophy in that, but it doesn't hit me very favorable. We'll see what the cap thinks helloa!" Clearly and distinctly through the still air came the signal by which Captain Dawson was to announce his discovery of the animals.

It is full summer with you now, as you sit here in your gay clothes on this bright day; but the winter is coming for every one of you, when there will be no more sunshine, no more luxury and pleasure and flattery, and when the miry wallowers in troughs and stys, who are now taking the best years of your lives from you " "Helloa there! Whoop! Tarara-ra-ra-rara!"

It was risky running along the dark trail, even though illuminated here and there by the rays of the moon: but, feeling that the situation was desperate, Ashman broke into a swift lope, with Johnston at his heels, urging him to make haste. "If they come too close," thought the young man, "we can dodge among the trees again and pick our way back to the river as best we can helloa! what's that?"

Frankie, finding he could gain neither sight nor sound of notice, began to howl. But as neither of the hard-hearted creatures seemed to care for the poor little chap's howling, he fell upon the coat-tails of the big blue obstruction, and pulled at them lustily, not to say viciously, till their owner turned, and beheld him panting and fiery. "Helloa, youngster! what's to pay now?"

Suddenly somebody slapped David on the back, precipitating him over the sill, and "Jim" ran in past him. "Helloa. What are you doin'?" he asked Joel. Joel looked at him, but didn't answer. "I live here," said Jim, "over in Strawberry Hill. An' Mrs. Green's my a'nt; and I've just come home from my grandmother's." Joel said nothing as to this family history, but continued to gaze at the horses.

"If that's the case why doesn't he come forward and interdooce himself? whisht now!" What did the Irishman do but pucker up his mouth, whistle, and beckon to the Indian to approach. The latter, however, did not move a muscle. "Helloa!" called Warren; "we thank you for your kindness; won't you come forward and join us?" This appeal was as fruitless as the other.

Just as he finished, Fred Linden emerged, rubbing his eyes and yawning, while Terry Clark was close behind him. "Good morning, Deerfoot!" called the former; "it was just like you to let us sleep all night while you kept watch: to-night you must let us take our turn." "Fred has exprissed me own sintimints," added Terry; "we have had so much slumber that we can kaap awake for a month. Helloa!"

He glanced right and left, but caught the outlines of but one figure, whose identity he suspected, because he was standing in front of the cabin door. "Helloa, uncle, is that you?" "Yes, Avon; I see you have arrived; I hope you suffered no harm." "Matters were stirring for a time, but I am safe." At this moment, Mrs.