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"Helloa, Deemster!" he cried. "You look as sober as an old crow. Sober! Old Crow! Ha, ha!" He was a facetious person of high descent in the island. "Crow never goes home without getting off the box once or twice to pick up the moonlight on the road do you, Crow?" "That'll do, parson, that'll do!" roared Crow.

And now the room was aglow, and shadows were dancing on the wall. "I was just thinking," said he, looking about. "They'll begin shooting in here as soon as that end is burned out. Wish I had seen that rascal when he slipped up here to kindle this fire. Helloa, it's spread to the roof."

"Wall, how did it happen, any way?" Starbuck inquired, biting an apple. "Wall, Bill he war settin' thar on a log, lookin' out over the new ground, not a thinkin' about bein' stobbed nur nuthin', an' this feller jest slipped up an' stobbed him." There came a hoarse cry from without. "Somebody's a hollerin' helloa," said Margaret, grinding her coffee by the fire-place. Jasper went to the door.

Avon was so flurried from his fierce exertions, that, before he could bring his rifle to his shoulder and discharge it, the other anticipated him. But the man did not fire at him. He aimed at the Comanche, not a dozen yards distant, and hit him fairly and squarely. "Helloa, Baby, what the mischief is up?"

"It was queer on his part any way," added the youth, following the line of thought forced upon him; "just when we need him the most he is gone; the Sauk is a good fellow, but he can't compare with Deerfoot. Helloa!" he muttered, noticing a movement on the part of Hay-uta, "something is up."

I only blame you for one thing." "What is that, Sukey?" "When you had such a good chance, why didn't you aim higher?" The expression on Sukey's face was too ludicrous for even the young duelist, and he laughed in spite of himself. "Helloa, there's the town," cried Sukey, as they rounded a headland and entered the mouth of a broad bay, standing in toward a beautiful village.

When he came to a stop also it was near the trunk of a large tree, no more than a yard distant. "The Professor is cunning," reflected Jared Long, watching every movement; "he'll whisk behind the tree the instant one of them makes a move. Helloa! what's up now?"

Then, when he collected his senses and stared around, he found that he was a dozen yards above the ground, with the elephant beneath, looking up, and apparently waiting for him to fall within his reach, that he might finish him. "Not much," muttered Billy; "I'm going to stay here and I don't believe you know how to climb a tree. Helloa! how do you like that?"

"Helloa, Ben! where did you come from?" asked Zitner, who was now entirely himself. "Glad to see you," added Burwink, and the two extended their hands. "You gave us a great scare, for the woods are full of redskins." "You startled me, too," replied Ben. "I am travelling with my mother and sister to Stroudsburg. I suppose you are aiming for the same place?" "Yes if we ever get there.

Her son dying like that, and she old and the sun going down on her? Never! Newspapers? Chut, who cared what people put in the papers? So while people thought she was growing "weak in her intellects," she had clung to the belief that her beloved son would come back to her. "Helloa! Stunning morning, isn't it?"