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It was quite brief and Ben wrote it out rapidly, took a hasty impression, thrust it into the damp yellow envelope, and whistled for a messenger boy. There was only one present, and he was a pale, delicate lad, who had gone on duty that day after a week's illness. "Helloa, Tim; do you want to earn a half dollar extra?" asked Ben, as the boy stood expectantly before him.

"No help from there," concluded the youth with a sigh, as he let the leaves come together and shut out his view of the other shore; "I wonder what this warrior will do with me; I suppose he will run me over to the rest, and they'll even up matters by taking their vengeance on me helloa! there's no need of that!"

Helloa! is that you, Omas?" It was the Delaware that had turned the assault aside. A couple of bounds placed him beside he lad, and he caught his arm with a grip of iron. It was of no use trying to hold back. Omas half running, half leaping, drove his way like a wedge through the surging swarm.

"If I could jump about three times as far as I can, I could go across right yonder helloa! why did n't I notice that before?" And the words were yet in his mouth, when he started on a run along the margin of the ravine, at the imminent risk of falling in and breaking his neck.

I hastened down stairs, and at the entrance of the passage stood Chyd Lundsford, looking about, slowly lashing his leg with a switch. "Helloa! Where are all the folks?" "They are gone, sir," I answered, stiffly bowing to him. "Gone? I don't know that I quite catch your meaning." "If it be illusive you have made it so. I said that they were gone, which means, of course, that they are not here."

"How, in the name of conscience, did you ever find me at all?" demanded Jack, who slapped him on his back, pinched his arm, and treated him with a familiarity which few dared show toward him. "I've had a very curious time, I can tell you, old fellow helloa! where did that gun come from, and that tomahawk?" exclaimed the wondering youth, catching sight of the weapons.

"When we fluds him we gots on him and makes him go like he nefer goes mit pefore." "We won't be able to travel fast until we get him back to the regular path, where the trees and limbs won't interfere with us." "If Deerfoot vos mit us he tells us how close he be to us," said Otto, alluding to the skill of the Shawanoe in interpreting the age of a trail. "He would do so at a glance. Helloa!"

If we are going to live in this part of the world, we must keep on good terms with the Indians. Helloa! what is the old fellow going to do?" Jack noticed that the head of the family had stopped glancing from one part of the lodge to another, and was looking steadily at Otto, as if he meditated some design against him. And so he did.

"Somebody's hollering helloa at the gate," said Jim. "Hush a minute. There it is again." The Major went out and presently returned, bringing with him a large blue envelope. "It's from the county clerk," he said, sitting down and breaking the seal. "Brought by a deputy sheriff, and he said that he had ridden hard all the way and was in a great hurry to get back.

Starbuck. "She went to school for two years over at Dry Fork. That's where she l'arned to play that melogian." "Yes," Jasper spoke up, "and the fust time I hearn it I thought a tree had fell on one of the calves. Why, helloa, mammy, come in. Lookin' fur suthin'?" "I must er lef' my old pipe yere summers," said the old negro woman, coming into the room.