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If I hadn't slipped from his back at the risk of breaking my neck, he would have carried me right into a camp of hostiles and you would have been without your invaluable guide on this trip." "That is important information if true helloa! it is growing light off there in the east!" "Yes, day is breaking," added Vose.

"Helloa! the house there!" This was the startling summons that rang out in the stillness of the night, about two hours after the departure of Jimmy Travers. Mrs. Gordon stepped to the door, and with some misgiving drew it open. The full moon was shining brightly, and she saw two horsemen who had halted in the highway opposite the gate.

Martin was standing with his back to the fire-place, and I saw in a moment that the few hours which had intervened had changed him as much as they had changed me. "Helloa! Better, aren't we?" he cried, but he was now cold, almost distant, and even his hearty voice seemed to have sunk to a kind of nervous treble.

"It may be some white man that the Indians have left for dead, and that still has some life in his body, or it may be an Indian himself who has met with an accident helloa!" Just then it sounded again, and a cold shiver of terror crept over him from head to foot, as he was able to locate the precise point from which it came.

"You'll do nothin' of the sort, an' yo' daughter jest married, too. I'm sorry, Jasper, that I said what I did a while ago. Yes, Lou is lucky almost as lucky, Jasper, as I was when you asked me to be yo' wife." "I'd ruther you'd scold me than to talk thatter way, Margaret. You know I can't stand it, an' please don't. Helloa, who's this a comin'?"

But when I passed there yesterday I noticed that some scoundrel had bought it. Why, helloa; come in." Uncle Buckley Lightfoot stood in the door. His approach had been so soft that they did not hear him. His tread was always noiseless when he walked in strange places. He appeared to be afraid of breaking something. "Come in!" Lyman shouted, springing to meet him. "Howdy do; howdy do."

Vose took care to turn so sharply to the right that they were speedily out of sight of the spot where he had parted from the fugitives. Everything was going promisingly when Wade Ruggles startled his companions by the exclamation: "Helloa! there's that dog Timon!" A hundred yards to the left rose a pile of rocks, the highest of which reached an altitude of two hundred feet or more.

Without attempting to go around it, he grasped the edge, and, by a determined effort, drew himself upon it. Fragments of the bridge were all around, and he felt some of the timber upon the support. While crawling carefully toward the other side, he shouted: "Helloa! where are you? Answer, and I'll help you." A faint cry made itself heard amid the rushing waters and the impenetrable darkness.