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"Helloa, Ben! where did you come from?" asked Zitner, who was now entirely himself. "Glad to see you," added Burwink, and the two extended their hands. "You gave us a great scare, for the woods are full of redskins." "You startled me, too," replied Ben. "I am travelling with my mother and sister to Stroudsburg. I suppose you are aiming for the same place?" "Yes if we ever get there.

"There were plenty of them with the Senecas and Oneidas yesterday, and they fought like wild cats, too. But why don't you bring your folks forward?" added Zitner, looking inquiringly around. "I will do so. Wait a few minutes." He strode back and over the top of the ridge, until he caught sight of the frightened group. "Come on!" he called, beckoning to them. "Mr.

"I don't think we need give any more thought to Zitner," said Ben; "and I am sure we are all glad. He could not find us now, if he tried." "If they kept to their course, we must be several miles apart." "I have been working my way back, so that, after all, I do not think we have lost much ground. I hope Miss Linna is satisfied." "She would make complaint if she was not."

She had been standing beside Linna, whose eyes were never once removed from the displeasing countenance of Zitner. She must have noticed the incident referred to, for the expression on her round face was of dislike and distrust. She stood further off from the men than anyone else silent, watchful, and suspicious. Zitner now looked at her. "Come here," he said coaxingly, extending his hand.

We'll take her clean to Stroudsburg, and then turn her loose, for we won't have any further need of her; but she must go with us." "Jabez Zitner," said Ben Ripley "the moment you lay your hand on that child I will shoot you!" No one could have looked into the face of Ben Ripley without seeing he meant just what he said.

Zitner and Burwink are here, and want to see you." With an expression of thankfulness, Mrs. Ripley, clasping a hand of each of the children, walked up the slope, and passed over to where the couple awaited their approach by the camp fire. She shook hands with each, and expressed her pleasure at meeting them.

A meeting of this kind would have been pleasing in the highest degree, for it added great strength to the party; but a misgiving came to the lad when he recognized Zitner. He was the man who, when partially intoxicated the previous afternoon, had tried to take Linna from him and was vigorously shoved aside by her friend.

Ben spoke low, but mingling with his words were two faint clicking sounds. They were made by the hammer of his rifle, as with his thumb he drew it back ready for use. His face was slightly pale, but his eyes glittered, and he rose to his feet and looked at the startled man. Mrs. Ripley gave a gasp of fright and clasped her hands, while the children mutely stared. Even Zitner was silent.

"I expect to have her a good deal under my care, and I shall do all I can to instruct her aright. This morning she knelt with us in prayer. You must remember she is very young, and has heard little, if anything, of Christianity." Zitner shook his head. "It's born in 'em, and you can't get it out." "But, Mr. Zitner, you will not deny that we have a good many Christian Indians.

Ripley. "I might have known you would see that right is done." Zitner had a few sharp words with his friend, but the latter was immovable. He would not listen to his proposition, and that ended the matter. "Well," finally said Zitner, rising to his feet, "I intended to see you folks safe to the Delaware; but I won't have anything to do with you now. Come, Horace."

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