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"Your eyesight is not to blame, Leonard," said his wife, with much superiority. "It's because you are only a man." "That's all I ever pretended to be." Then, with a dignity that almost surprised Gertrude, he, as eldest brother, welcomed her in simple, heartfelt words. At the dinner-table Miss Hargrove referred to the Western land.

Hargrove, like her daughter, watched in vain for mannerisms to criticise in the breezy youth. The evening was half gone before Burt galloped homeward, smiling broadly to himself at the adventure. His absence had caused little remark in the family. It had been taken for granted that he was at Dr. Marvin's or the parsonage, for the young fellow was a great favorite with their pastor.

I've asked your father for the privilege of winning your love;" and then he hesitated, not knowing how to go on. "Is that the worst?" she asked, demurely. "No, I fear it will be the best, for he kindly gave his consent, and I know it would be hard for him to do as much for any man, much more so for one not wholly to his mind. Miss Hargrove, I must appear awkwardness and incoherency personified.

Hargrove say last week that Philo Smith was a hero, when he jumped into the mill-pond and saved Lemuel Martin from drowning? Does not my history call Leonidas a hero? I don't know exactly who the 'unities' are, but until I learn more I intend to call my dog Hero. To me it seems to mean everything I wish him to be good, faithful, brave, grand, and I shall call him Hero.

"Well, all of us did feel that it made the house uncomfortably full when Sallie came with the three children, but you know Henry Carruthers left James his executor and guardian of the children, and Sallie of course couldn't live alone, so Mrs. Hargrove and I moved into the south room together, and gave Sallie and the children my room.

"Burt said something more than good-by to Miss Hargrove last evening." Amy would not answer, and the sound of a mirthful snatch of song died musically away in the distance. "Now, Mr. Webb," Maggie resumed, "what did you mean by that ominous flash from your cavern-like eyes?" "It meant that Amy has probably been satisfied with one lover in the family and its unexpected result.

He, with his sister, was soon at the Cliffords', and found the rockaway the strong old carryall with which Gertrude already had tender associations in readiness. Maggie had agreed to chaperon the party, little Ned having been easily bribed to remain with his father. Miss Hargrove had looked wistfully at the Clifford mansion as she drew near to it.

"You'll at least have the benefit of his prayers," was lightly remarked. I turned to observe the young man more closely. His face I remembered, though I could not identify him at first. But, when I heard him addressed soon after as Ned Hargrove, I had a vivid recollection of a little incident that occurred some years before, and which then made a strong impression.

After going a little way on the pike, the column halted and the men marched by barefooted some of them on the frozen pike, while we built up a fire and Sergt. Hargrove, standing in front of it, had half the tail of his overcoat burned off before the warmth reached his skin. Marching all night, we met Dr.

Chesley." She glanced inquiringly at him. "I hope you reciprocate his regard, for he expressed great interest in your welfare." "I liked him exceedingly; better than any gentleman I ever met, except dear Mr. Hargrove." "A very comprehensive admission, and eminently flattering to poor Elliott and 'Brother' Douglass." "Mr.