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'Ay, and they are a hantle mair pious and devout than ever a body I hae seen in Eyemouth, or a' the country side to boot; forbye, my minnie's auld auntie, that sat graning by the ingle, and ay banned us when we came ben.

There'll be nae skaith to yoursel' if I keep ye here; far free that, I think ye'll be a hantle better by it. There'll be nae skaith to the kintry just ae mair Hielantman hangit Gude kens, a guid riddance! On the ither hand, it would be considerable skaith to me if I would let you free.

The only thing he and his mother quarrelled about was the underclothing she would swaddle him in, and Jess asked me to back her up in her entreaties. "There's no a doubt," she said, "but what it's a hantle caulder here than in London, an' it would be a terrible business if he was to tak the cauld." Jamie was to sail from London to Dundee, and come on to Thrums from Tilliedrum in the post-cart.

An' syne I thocht I heard my mither singin', and kent by that that the ither was a dream. I'm thinkin' a hantle 'ill luik dreamy afore lang. Eh! I wonner what the final waukin' 'ill be like. After a pause he resumed, 'Robert, my dear boy, ye're i' the richt gait. Haud on an' lat naething turn ye aside.

'Why, my little fellow, he said, 'this is a ruin, not a house? 'Ah, but the lairds lived there langsyne; that's Ellangowan Auld Place. There's a hantle bogles about it; but ye needna be feared, I never saw ony mysell, and we're just at the door o' the New Place.

"I want to know the first thing you would think about." "I canna say yet what the third thing wad be. Fower year at the college wad gie me time to reflec upon a hantle o' things." "I insist on knowing the first thing you would think about doing," cried Florimel, with mock imperiousness, but real tyranny. "Weel, my leddy, gien ye wull hae 't but hoo great a man wad ye be makin' o' me?"

"Weel Tam here helped me tae win oot, as I may say," replied Sandy. "He hadna eneuch of fechtin', sae he mun join thae yoemanry corps that followed Wilkinson's army doun the St Lawrence, and took part in the battle o' Windmill Point. They took a hantle o' preesoners there, and sune cam a' cartel' they ca' it, offering an exchange.

It wud tak a body lat me see maybe half a year to trevel there upo' 's ain fit, answered Kirsty, after some meditation. 'And me a hantle langer, my feet's sae odious heavy! remarked Steenie with a sigh. As they drew near the house, their mother saw them coming, and went to the door to meet them. 'We're wantin a bit o' a can'le, and a spunk or twa, mother, said Kirsty.

"Are you Mr Cupples?" she said. The man started, and answered, "Yes, my lass. And wha are ye?" "I'm Annie Anderson. Alec's some disturbit wi' your singin'. Ye'll wauk him up, and he'll be a hantle the waur o' 't." "I winna sing anither stave. It was lanesome stan'in' upo' the ootside here, as gin I war ane o' the foolish virgins." "Eh! wadna that be dreidfu'?" responded Annie simply.

But upo' the ither han' there's ae thing it's eesed for by some, 'at canna be considert a richt eese to mak o' 't: there's ae wull tribe in America they tell me o', 'at ait a hantle o' 't and that's a thing I cannot un'erstan'; for it diz them, they say, no guid at a', 'cep, maybe, it be jist to fill-in the toom places i' their stammacks, puir reid craturs, and haud their ribs ohn stucken thegither and maybe that's jist what they ait it for!