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I heard that myself. He wouldn't try to run Doubler off himself that's too dangerous a business for him to undertake. Not wanting to take the chance himself he hires someone else. Who? Dakota's the only gunman around these parts. Therefore, your dad goes to Dakota. He and Dakota signed a paper I saw Dakota reading it. I've just put two and two together, and that's the result.

Just then a halloo, from the promontory brought Anson up with a start. Muttering to himself, he strode out toward the jagged rocks that hid the outlook. Moze shuffled his burly form after Anson. "Miss, it shore was grand thet performance of Mister Gunman Riggs," remarked Jim Wilson, attentively studying the girl. "Much obliged to you for lending me your gun," she replied.

As he did so Dodge, the Texan appeared in the doorway to the dining salon. Dennison saw the blue barrel of a revolver. "A gunman, eh? All right. Let's see if he'll shoot," said the son, walking deliberately toward Dodge. "No, Dodge!" Cleigh called out as the Texan, raised the revolver. "You may go." Dodge, a good deal astonished, backed out. Once more father and son stared at each other.

They'll all hang together, and lie like sixty to keep us from finding out anything that might point to one of their precious bunch! But if a gun with a Maxim silencer was used, as it must have been if that whole crew ain't lying, the gunman musta been good, because you can't sight with a Maxim screwed onto a rod, you know." "Have your men found the gun?" Dundee asked.

Shoots just a mite high, but she's a good old friend." Dud pressed a six-shooter on Dillon. The boy took it reluctantly. The blood in his veins ran cold. "I dunno. I reckon mebbe I better not. If I talked to him, don't you think ?" "Talk, hell! He's out for blood, that guy is. He's made his brags right over the bar at Dolan's what all he's gonna do to you. I'm no gunman, understand.

Comprehension had dawned upon him. "You you want me to fight you?" he queried, in hoarse accents. "I reckon that's what I meant." No affront, no insult, no blow could have affected Buster Jack as that sudden knowledge. "Why why you're crazy! Me fight you a gunman," he stammered. "No no. It wouldn't be fair. Not an even break!... No, I'd have no chance on earth!"

"Oh, no, we'll go inside," he said softly. The men looked at each other and battled. The eye is a more potent weapon than the rapier. The shallow, shifty ones of the gunman fell before the deep, steady ones of the Arizonan. "Slim" Jim, with a touch of swagger to save his face, stepped into the cab and sat down. Clay followed him, closing the door.

Hanlon heard the gunman leave, and in a moment return. He appeared in Hanlon's line of vision, pushing before him a manacled man. At sight of that other man, Hanlon had to gasp. "Oh!" the Leader said triumphantly as he saw George Hanlon's start of surprise. "I see you recognize our guest." "Sure I know him," Hanlon snapped, rigidly forcing himself into control. "That's Abrams.

That would be quite a feather in any man's hat done fair. And the sheriff, natural enough, he don't want nothing of the kind." "That's it," said Anastacio, amusement in his eyes. "I knew you were a good gunman, Nueces, but I never suspected you of brains before." "What's the matter with that guess?" said Nueces sulkily. "Kid, you're always ridin' me. Don't you try to use any spurs!"

"I found out quick that I couldn't beat a good gunman if I used the old methods. Practice makes perfect; they practiced as much as I did. So I studied the methods and the great idea come to me. They all use the whole arm. Look at you! Your shoulder bulges up when you make the draw, and you raise the whole arm. Matter of fact, you'd ought only to use your fingers. Not stir a muscle above the wrist.