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"The English," said he, "have more money than they know what to do with, and on that account they wander all over the world, paying dearly for what no other people care a groat for." He then proceeded, notwithstanding the frowns of the alcalde, to examine me in the English language.

A dismal uniformity of shrubs and sand every-where presented itself, and the horizon was as level and uninterrupted as that of the sea. Descending from the tree, Mr. Park found his horse devouring the stubble and brushwood with groat avidity. Being too faint to attempt walking, and his horse too much fatigued to carry him, Mr.

Verily, the poet saith in praise of white and dispraise of black: Seest not that for their milky hue white pearls in price excel And charcoal for a groat a load the folk do buy and sell? And eke white faces, 'tis well known, do enter Paradise, Whilst faces black appointed are to fill the halls of Hell. Presently, Noah awoke and learning what had passed, blessed Shem and cursed Ham.

She has a good guard at my house. There is Groat and his four sons on one side, and Jeppe Madson and his big brother Har on the other side; and there is David Borson, who is worth a whole ship's crew, to back them in anything for Vala's safety. Stay with me to-day, Nanna, and we will talk this matter out." But Nanna shook her head in reply.

I say!" answered the chimneysweeper, sturdily; "Hark'ee, my duck," chucking Cecilia under the chin, "don't be cajoled, nick that spark! never mind gold trappings; none of his own; all a take-in; hired for eighteenpence; not worth a groat. Never set your heart on a fine outside, nothing within. Bristol stones won't buy stock: only wants to chouse you."

She knew now that she was faint with hunger and thirst, and must take food before she could go much farther, so taking out a groat, her smallest coin, she accosted the girl, and offered it for a draught of milk. To her dismay the girl exclaimed "Lawk! It be young Madam! Sarvice, ma'am!" "I have lost myself in the wood," said Aurelia. "I should be much obliged for a little milk." "Well to be sure.

I warrant me, my fame haunts the Vale of the Whitehorse long after my body is rotten; and that many a lout ties up his horse, lays down his silver groat, and pipes like a sailor whistling in a calm for Wayland Smith to come and shoe his tit for him. But the horse will catch the founders ere the smith answers the call."

Still, these concessions of selfishness did not relieve the mind of Mr. Bolton, nor make him feel more willing to meet the man who had done him so groat a kindness, and in such a disinterested spirit. All that day, and for a portion of the night that followed, Mr.

"In troth," said the good citizen, much moved with her pathetic appeal, "I think, Peter, that this pretty maiden hath a touch of our Trudchen's sweet look I thought so from the first, and that this brisk youth here, who is so ready with his advice, is somewhat like Trudchen's bachelor I wager a groat, Peter, that this is a true love matter, and it is a sin not to further it."

"Douce maiden," returned the Nevile, "it is happy for thee that thy sex forbids thee to follow thy father's footsteps, or I should say his hard fate were thy fair warning." Sibyll smiled faintly, and after a pause, said, with a deep blush, "You have been generous to my father; do not misjudge him. He would give his last groat to a starving beggar.