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The price you'd get for those three hobbledehoys would keep us comfortable for the balance of our lives; and we need never track the Devil's desert again. Take 'em by force from old yellow-face, if you can't get 'em otherwise; but you may `chouse' him out of them at a game of helga, you know you can beat him at that.

Market being over, quoth the devil to the farmer, Well, clown, thou hast choused me once, it is thy fault; chouse me twice, 'twill be mine. Nay, good sir devil, replied the farmer; how can I be said to have choused you, since it was your worship that chose first?

"Give him a whip!" cried Briggs, "sha'n't have a souse! send him to Bridewell! nothing but a pauper; hate 'em; hate 'em all! full of tricks; break their own legs, put out their arms, cut off their fingers, snap their own ancles, all for what? to get at the chink! to chouse us of cash! ought to be well flogged; have 'em all sent to the Thames; worse than the Convicts."

Whereby as matters be likely to turn out, why thinks must a take their course. Thof a mayhap folks may go further and fare worse. Whereof if so be as lives have a bin saved, by land and by water, and a man's son is thoft to be somebody, why mayhap a may not a take it so kindly to be chouse flickurd.

Rightly viewed, calf-butchering accounts for "Titus Andronicus," the only play ain't it? that the Stratford Shakespeare ever wrote; and yet it is the only one everybody tried to chouse him out of, the Baconians included. The historians find themselves "justified in believing" that the young Shakespeare poached upon Sir Thomas Lucy's deer preserves and got haled before that magistrate for it.

'I'm a dying man, he remarked finally, 'but I'll live long enough to chouse the taxes. Merton and Logan knew well enough the unsoundness of any such proceedings, especially considering the mental debility of the old gentleman. However, the papers were made out. The marquis retired to one of his English seats, after which event his reappearance was made known to the world.

They are naturally prone to Rebellion, have let the Cormorants chouse them out of several valuable Branches of their Commerce; and yet the Cormorants are People with whom they have kept the most lasting Friendship of all their Neighbours.

I wouldn't chouse you for the world. Chris wouldn't either. But we're both shy of you, you know, because you're so beastly moral." He gave his brother-in-law a warm hug to soften the effect of his words. "You may as well tell me what you wanted to say to me just now," he remarked. "I was going to request you to behave like a gentleman," Mordaunt returned.

Genevieve," he crossed his hands on his heart, gazed towards heaven and rendered his soul to his Creator. Piteuse chouse est et digne de pleurer le trépassement de ce saint prince, says Joinville, to whom the story was told by the king's son "A piteous thing it is and worthy of tears the passing away of this holy prince."

And the very last time I was talking to him, he allowed he'd crowd thirteen hundred close this year big calf crop, you see. Now, just why he should go to the trouble to tell me all this, unless he had his eye on you, is one too many for me. But if you want me to cut him out of your string of eligibles, say the word, and I'll chouse him out.